William Tautz

Year of Call: 2004

William Tautz is a children’s family law specialist. He practices in both public and private children’s law, including care proceedings, adoption, international cases, and deprivation of liberty.


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William is well known for his calm demeanour, and he emphasises listening to clients so that they know that they are being heard.  His client handling skills are informed by his twenty plus years of experience combined with his compassionate approach.  He is able to focus lay clients on the issues in the case and predict how judges will perceive the evidence in order to ensure the best outcome.

William is particularly suited to representing vulnerable clients, including those with a background of mental health issues, trauma, learning needs, or neurodiversity.



William acts on behalf of parents, children, and local authorities.  He undertakes complex and serious cases including those involving allegations of sexual abuse and serious physical harm.

William is a committed legal aid lawyer who continues to undertake publicly funded private children’s law cases that involve complex issues and where very experienced counsel is required.  He also accepts privately funded instructions in both public and private law proceedings.

Notable Cases

Past notable cases can be viewed below. Click here to see a list of recent notable cases.

A local authority v SK and AP  [2023]
Representing both parents of an adopted teenager who was made subject to care proceedings; complexity arose through the young person’s birth family entanglements and long-standing shortcomings on the part of the local authority.

Re: C (Parental Alienation: Permanent Removal to Germany) [2023] EWHC 1955 (Fam)
Representing a parent, from fact-finding to welfare determination in a complex case involving allegations of domestic abuse, forced return from Scotland, permanent removal from the jurisdiction, and parental alienation.

A v N [2024]
Representing a parent, successfully persuaded a court at a fact-finding hearing to discharge the fact-finding exercise on the basis of the likely harm that it would have caused to the child:  by reducing the conflict, the parties were able to agree a constructive and child-focused way forward.

Re: S [2024]
Representing a parent in care proceedings, successfully secured at final hearing the return of one child from foster care, with the proceedings continuing in relation to two other children who are residential care.

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Mental Health Law and Court of Protection


William has a background in representing clients in both mental health tribunals and the Court of Protection. William has a first degree in psychology and worked for a number of years as a manager in mental health before coming to the Bar.  He is particularly skilled at cross-examining psychiatrists and psychologists.

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William previously practicised in the SEND first tier tribunal, and he is re-developing a practice in education law.

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Pro Bono Work


William is committed to legal aid and the representation of individuals who cannot afford legal services. He is public access qualified, and regularly acts pro bono.

William is happy to consider giving pro bono advice on defamation to charities and campaigning organisations prior to publication.

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William Tautz

Notable Cases & News


William Tautz has a BA degree in psychology from Truman State University in the US. His former career was in managing mental health services in London and so he has a very strong lay understanding of related issues that informs his practice in all areas.

At the age of 33 he returned to education and obtained an LLB (Hons) degree from South Bank University, earning a first class degree and the Law Department’s Sweet & Maxwell Prize for outstanding student. In 2002 he won a £2,000 prize in The Times Law Awards.

After completing the Bar Vocational Course, he undertook pupillage at Garden Court Chambers. His experience also includes criminal law – with trials in both the crown and magistrates courts – and civil law.

William’s interest in family law stems from his commitment to his own children and his belief that decisions that relate to family life will have a profound and long-term impact not just on the individuals concerned but on society.

William is married and has five children aged between nine and 22 years. He practices meditation and yoga.


‘New Tricks’ Counsel June 2008

‘Psych versus Psych: A Diagnostic Dispute and the Implications for Expert Witnesses in Family Proceedings’ Family Law Week June 2013

As a sideline to his practice, William provides pre-publication legal advice to several national newspapers. William is happy to consider giving pro bono advice on defamation to charities and campaigning organisations prior to publication.


  • BA Psychology
  • LLB (Hons)
  • Dip Law

Professional Memberships

  • Family Law Bar Association

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