Defendants found with nearly £500,000 cash in baggage acquitted of money laundering

Friday 19 April 2024

Lucie Wibberley and Russell Fraser of the Garden Court Crime Team represented MT & AU in a 12-day trial at Chelmsford Crown Court, instructed by Ali Has & Dilara Demir of Morgan Has Solicitors.

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In May 2023, MT and AU were stopped by Border Force officers at Stansted Airport while waiting to board a flight to Istanbul.

Upon checking their baggage, the officers found around £434,000 in cash. The police investigated and the pair were charged with possession of criminal property under section 329 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. The defendants’ case was that the money was owed for their legitimate trade in manufacturing and fitting industrial kitchens.

In support, they were able to provide a wealth of business documents along with photographs and videos evidencing a number of projects. The jury also heard evidence from two forensic accountants and an expert in the various methods of money laundering.

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