Lucie Wibberley

Year of Call: 2005

Lucie is a highly experienced criminal defence barrister. She is a formidable, intelligent, meticulous and skilful advocate, rated for her jury speeches, cross examination and legal submissions.


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Lucie is recognised as a leading junior instructed in many high-profile trials and appeals in recent years with particular expertise in homicide, firearms, serious violence, high-value fraud and complex organised crime, including drug supply. 

She is also developing a specialism in, and has a particular interest in, the link between personal trauma and offending, and in representing those with a previously overlooked psychiatric or psychological diagnosis, including of neurodiversity.

Criminal Defence


Lucie has a loyal following of professional clients who value her meticulous trial preparation, rapport with lay clients,  and dexterity in legal argument. She is highly rated as a jury advocate for her witness handling and in particular, for her compelling, skilful and fearless closing speeches. She is instructed in private client and legally aided cases.

Lucie has great experience and skill in the instruction of expert medical witnesses including in relation to neurodiversity. She encourages a ‘trauma informed’ approach to case analysis, particularly when working with men accused of very violent or alleged 'gang' related crime, where mental health diagnoses and their consequences are often overlooked, if there is no previous history of accessing mental health support.

Whatever the allegation, her focus is always on her client, their life, their personal identity and getting the best available result in their case.

Notable Cases

Past notable cases can be viewed below. Click here to see a list of recent notable cases.


Extensive experience as a led junior including:

R v SI & another 2024 (Central Criminal Court) – Murder. Psychiatric/psychological evidence (including neurodiversity)

R v AK & another 2023 (Harrow sitting at Woolwich CC) – Murder. Neurological and psychoneurological evidence (memory).

R v EE 2023 (Chelmsford CC) – Murder. Psychiatric and psychological evidence (including traits of neurodiversity).

R v RH & Others 2023 (Central Criminal Court) – Murder. Acquitted. Convicted of Manslaughter.

R v CK 2022 (Croydon CC) – Murder.  Acquitted. Convicted of manslaughter (female defendant, abusive partner, excessive self defence).

R v MS & others  2021 (Croydon Crown Court) – Murder. Drugs context. 

R v RG & others  2020 (Chelmsford Crown Court) – Murder. No evidence offered on murder at trial. This was further to extensive legal argument pre-trial (at that stage as a junior acting alone) including a successful application to dismiss, reinstatement of the indictment by way of a voluntary bill and service of expert evidence on the issue of causation.  Trial proceeded as an aggravated burglary.

R v Sally Challen (Central Criminal Court) – Plea to manslaughter accepted after successful appeal of murder conviction. 

R v B (a youth) & another  2019 (Central Criminal Court) – Murder (stabbing).

R v JT  2018 (Central Criminal Court) – Murder. Re-trial after found unfit in first trial.

R v X (a youth) 2016 (Nottingham Crown Court) – Double murder of family members. Plea to manslaughter accepted.


R v Driouche 2020 (Central Criminal Court). Possessing 10kg of ammonium nitrate (s.4 (1) Explosive Substances Act 1883) and 7 counts pertaining to terrorist documents (s.58 TA 2000). Complex legal argument as part of a preparatory hearing in relation to availability of defence of ‘lawful object’/  reliance on psychiatric evidence.


R v M & others 2025 (Wood Green CC) – Drugs Cat A supply.

R v AK 2024 (Croydon CC) – Drugs Cat A (15 kg, street value of over 1m).

R v SH & another 2024 (Northampton CC) – Operation Dapper. Large scale use of drones to take items (up to and including class A) into prisons. 3 drones. 121 flights. 10 prisons.

R v NY & Others 2024 (Cambridge CC) –  Drugs into prison (Cat A). Duress. Acquitted. Complex mental health/trauma.

R v KB & another 2023 (Wood Green CC) – Cat A supply. Jumped from window during police raid and arrested. Acquitted.

R v B & others 2023 (Snaresbrook CC) – Cat A street supply. Complex mental health/trauma. Suspended.

R v U  2023 (Snaresbrook CC) – Cat A (Encro).

R v H & Others 2023 (Snaresbrook CC) – Cat A.

R v C 2022 (Harrow CC) – Drug supply at a festival.

A v AE & Others 2022 – (Snaresbrook CC) – Organised production and supply.

R v AB 2021 (Harrow Crown Court) – Drug supply, Cat A – large scale.


R v AB  2020 (Harrow Crown Court) – Drug supply (kilos).

R v IL & others  2019 (Harrow Crown Court) – Drugs / firearms.

R v LW & others  2019 (Oxford Crown Court) – County lines.

R v L  2018 – Large-scale class A supply, linked to firearms distribution.

R v K  2018 – County lines supply chain (Cat A).

R v M  2017 (Snaresbrook Crown Court) – Supply Cat A further to police raid of defendant of good character living an ostensibly unassuming life.

R v S & another  2017 (Lewes Crown Court) – Supply Cat A (kilos).

R v S & others  2017 (Brighton Crown Court) – Drug supply into prison.

R v D  2017 – Large quantity of cocaine for onward supply.


R v KW & Others  2023 (Manchester CC) – Possession of Firearms. Acquitted. Successful half-time submission.

R v L  2022 (Snaresbrook CC) – Possession of a firearm.

R v A  2022 (Wood Green CC) – Possession of a firearm.

R v L  2021 (Snaresbrook CC) – Possession of a firearm/ ammunition with intent to endanger life.

R v A & others  2021 (Wood Green Crown Court) – Possession of a firearm/ ammunition with intent to endanger life. Weapons discharged during incident. Acquitted. 

R v FC  2019 (Isleworth Crown Court) – Possession of firearm and ammunition with intent to endanger life, drugs context.

R v M (a youth) & Others  2019 (Wood Green Crown Court) – Armed robbery, alleged 'gang' context. Successful halftime submission. Leading Susan Wright of Garden Court.

R v D  2017 – Possession of firearm/ ammunition with intent to endanger life.

R v C  2016 – Possession of Firearm with intent to endanger life.

R v M & another  2015 (Harrow Crown Court) – Firearm with Intent to Endanger Life. Sawn-off shotgun. Loaded. Drugs context, Co-D / Cut Throat. Acquitted.


R v TM  2024 (Wood Green CC) – Offensive Weapon linked to a murder.

R v JW 2024 (Snaresbrook CC) – S.18 (glassing strangers, life changing injuries) – psychological, psychiatric and neurological evidence.

R v GB 2024 (Harrow CC at Hendon) – Aggravated burglary (weapon/serious injuries to occupants). Alternative plea accepted during trial. Sentenced for subsequent knife offence. Suspended.

R v E & Others 2023 (Reading CC) – Kidnap / false imprisonment. Organised crime context (drugs).

R v M  2023 (St Albans CC) – S.18, partial laceration of limb. Acquitted of s.18 (convicted of s.20). Psychological/ trauma evidence.

R v DS  2023 (Wood Green CC) – S.18 (weapon to head, serious injuries) s.37/41 disposal.

R v M  2023 (Snaresbrook CC) – Corrosive substance to face – acquitted.

R v MD & Others  2023 (Southwark CC) – Violent Disorder in Selfridges (acquitted). Coverage in the Daily Mail.

R v V  2022 (Snaresbrook CC) – S.18 (Blood feud)

R v S  2022 (Snaresbrook CC) – S.18 (Domestic context)

R v X (a youth) & Others  2022 (Harrow CC) – Kidnap / False Imprisonment. Mental health/trauma. 

R v W  2021 (Croydon Crown Court) s.18. Stabbing, life-threatening injuries. Abuse and complex mental health aspect. Psychiatric/psychological evidence. Plea accepted to s.20.  

R v MM  2021 (Harrow Crown Court) s.18 – Stabbing.

R v C  2021 (Isleworth CC) – Robbery.

R v DF  2021 (Aylesbury CC) – Kidnap. Acquitted.

R v JO & others  2020 (Isleworth Crown Court) – 12 counts of armed robbery and a related weapons charge. 3 successful halftime submissions and 6 acquittals. Leading Susan Wright of Garden Court.

R v AA  2020 (Harrow Crown Court) – S.18 (plea to ABH accepted further to extensive representations regarding domestic abuse).

R v I  2018 (Woolwich Crown Court) – S.18 against prison officers by convicted prisoner.

R v AS  2019 (Harrow Crown Court) – Aggravated burglary.

R v JS & Others  2019 (St Albans Crown Court) – Robbery with an offensive weapon.

R v K & Others  2017 (Oxford Crown Court) – Kidnap. First on indictment.

R v R  2017 (Inner London Crown Court) – S.18 and robbery with co- d resulting in life-changing injuries.

R v D  2016/17 (Blackfriars Crown Court) – Violent Disorder. Political protest. 'The East Street Defendants'. Successful application to dismiss for one defendant. Hung jury for a second defendant, followed by re-trial. Aborted part way through second trial further to defence medical evidence. Crown did not pursue a further trial. See artists' drawings from the trials here.

R v F  2016 (Wood Green Crown Court) – Violent Disorder (use of weapons).

R v G  2016 (Snaresbrook Crown Court) – S.18. Female defendant. Stabbed partner through chest. Life endangered. Self-defence. Acquitted.

R v P  2016 – Armed Robbery.

R v SG  2015 (St Albans Crown Court) – Aggravated Burglary – Acquitted (watch mistaken for a knife during violent confrontation in which complainant was dragged from her home).


R v JD & another  2020 (Luton Crown Court) Arson with intent. Firebombing of a vehicle with persons inside. Acquitted.

R v M & others  2017 (St Albans Crown Court)- Two arsons with co-d's (one recklessly endangering life) of compounds storing a large number of vehicles seized by police in a car ringing case, and counts pertaining to the ringing. Acquitted of all charges.

R v H  2017 (Blackfriars Crown Court) – Serial arsonist committed further arsons whilst detained under mental health act. Complex psychiatric evidence re life sentence.

R v M  2016 (St Albans Crown Court) – Arson (£500,000k). Expert evidence. Successful submission of no case to answer.


R v I & another 2024 (Harrow CC) – Conspiracy to rob a well known department store.

R v X 2024 – Perverting linked to murder. Young mother. Psychiatric/psychological evidence. Suspended.

R v ZM & 6 Others 2022 (Chelmsford CC) – Operation Lynne. Facilitating unlawful immigration (false passports and assisted entry through border control pertaining to numerous persons arranged by an OCG). 

R v SA & others  2020 (Central Criminal Court) – Perverting the course of justice (in relation to allegation of attempted murder of a police officer). Acquitted.

R v A  2018 – Professional person of good character accused of shoplifting (acquitted).

R v Reeves & Others  2017 (Sheffield Crown Court) – Led junior. A pilot acquitted of misconduct in public office, further to an allegation of misuse of the helicopter's camera to film naked members of the public, widely reported in the national media: see BBC coverage.

R v G  2017 (Isleworth Crown Court) – Sophisticated pick-pocketing ring.

R v Norman  2016/17 (Central Criminal Court) – Led junior. Robert Norman, a prison officer who was a source for the journalist Stephen Moyes, was convicted of providing information to newspapers in return for payment. Widely reported in the national press. Instructed in appeal proceedings (C of A, then ECHR). 

R v S & Others  2016 (Blackfriars Crown Court) – Multi-handed conspiracy to steal. Acquitted. Fraudulently obtained parcels intercepted using insider information about Royal Mail IT systems. Cut throat. Successfully applied to adduce evidence of co-d's 'confession', secretly recorded by defendant.

R v A  2015 (Inner London Crown Court) – Blackmail. Acquitted. Family feud. Defendant's belief in aliens formed part of the defence.

R v TP  2014 (Wood Green Crown Court) – 'Operation Gemini' (118 persons charged). Possession of ID Documents with Improper Intent. Abuse of Process (Entrapment) – TP traded passports in a shop staffed by Undercover Police Officers. Backroom 'goodies' featured. TP invited to supply a firearm. Detailed and legally complex disclosure arguments relating to RIPA 2000 authorisations and PII argument. Cross-examination of senior authorising operational officers (including Police Commander) and of undercover officers. (See linked appeal case of R v Palmer, Gyamfi & Cooke [2014] EWCA Crim 1681). 


R v JE  2021 (Woolwich Crown Court) – Death by dangerous driving and causing serious injuries by dangerous driving. Crown’s application to adduce evidence of speed in excess of 100mph under slip rule successfully opposed.

R v RS  2020 (Wood Green Crown Court) – Dangerous driving. Life-changing injuries to a cyclist. Suspended sentence.


R v X  2024 (Croydon CC) – Child sex offence allegation. Neurodiversity.

R v P  2024 (Cambridge CC) – Rape. Neurodiversity.

R v X & Others  2024 (Inner London CC) – Child rape of child. Complex legal argument including abuse. Newton. Suspended.

R v J  2024 (Harrow CC) – Rape. NEO further to service of defence statement.

R v S  2024 (Inner London CC) – Rape. Acquitted. Included extensive disclosure applications and abuse of process argument.

R v PM  2023 (Luton CC) – Stranger rape.

R v M C of A  2023 – Child sex offences. Appeal only.

R v F  2022 (Harrow CC) – Youth/ Child. S.28. Legal argument re. admission of previous acquittal.

R v MM  2022 (Reading CC) – Rape. Professional footballer. Mental Health evidence.

R v S  2021 (Snaresbrook Crown Court) – Controlling prostitution.

R v B  2020 (Harrow Crown Court) – Stranger rape of a schoolchild. Defendant intermediary.

R v C  2018 (Kingston Crown Court) – Historical rape.

R v H & others  2018 (Manchester Crown Court) – High-value Brothel Keeping and money laundering (Operation Bean). Complex legal argument on abuse of process concerning ‘light touch’ policing over a period of many years. First and second on indictment. Widely reported

R v MKN  2018 (Wood Green Crown Court) – Historical child abuse (acquitted).

R v CM  2018 (St Albans Crown Court) – Historical child abuse (rape/ sexual assault).

R v X  2018 (Blackfriars Crown Court) – Rape of sex workers by a child. Weapon. Hospital Order.

R v FA  2018 (Isleworth Crown Court) – Stranger rape/robbery. Male on male.

R v CO  2018 (Hull Crown Court) – Rape. Multiple child complainants (mixed verdicts).

R v H  2017 (Manchester Crown Court) – Brothel Keeping. Novel legal argument raised challenging unlawfulness of women sharing premises to work as self-employed sex workers for reasons of safety. Argument not ruled on because crown offered no evidence close to trial.

R v JY  2016 (Manchester Crown Court) – Brothel keeping case which collapsed at trial: see Guardian report. Novel human rights arguments raised challenging the unlawfulness of self-employed sex workers sharing premises for safety. Not ruled on because the crown offered no evidence.

Contact Lucie

Financial Crime and Confiscation


Notable Cases

Past notable cases can be viewed below. Click here to see a list of recent notable cases.

R v MT and another  2023 (Chelmsford CC) – Money Laundering. Just under £450k in cash at airport. Acquitted.

R v SY & another  2022 (Southwark CC) – Money Laundering. Mother. Professional. NEO further to negotiation and representations.

R v RA & Others  2021 (Manchester Crown Court) – Operation Embossed (Encro). Money Laundering linked to large scale Cat A distribution. 

R v Newman & Others  2021 (Kingston Crown Court) – Flying Squad. Conspiracy to defraud betting shops.

R v S & others  2019 (Kingston Crown Court) – Operation Slipstream. Fraud. 15 handed (half time submission succeeded).

R v YA & Others  2018 (Southwark Crown Court) – Operation Wrestler. Fraud. 5 handed.

R v F  2018 (Harrow Crown Court) – DVLA surveillance operation. Fraud. 5 handed.

R v SD  2017 – Multi defendant fraud predicated on computer misuse.

R v AT & Others  2017 (Inner London Crown Court) – Sophisticated multi-defendant bank fraud.

R v I  2016 (Snaresbrook Crown Court) – Fraud.  'Operation Rhino'. 38 prosecutions, 2 acquittals, of which this was one.

R v T  2016 (Brighton Crown Court) – Money laundering further to confidence fraud.

R v S  2017 (Kingston Crown Court) – Drugs confiscation. £8 million.

R v V  2017 (St Albans Crown Court) – Drugs confiscation for well known MMA sportsman.

R v I  2017 (Kingston Crown Court) – Confiscation (sole junior). Benefit of £27.5 million alleged (drugs).

R v K  2016 (Kingston Crown Court) – VHCC confiscation (led junior). Alleged benefit of £12.5 million relating to £27 million fraud. Further to conviction on an MTIC VAT fraud (contra trading).

R v Q  2016 (Kingston Crown Court) – Confiscation (led junior). £14.5 million benefit (drugs).

Contact Lucie

Criminal Appeals


Notable Cases


R v Challen (junior counsel led by Clare Wade KC of Garden Court).
Sally Challen walked free on Friday 7 June 2019 after prosecutors accepted a lesser plea of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility, for killing her abusive husband after decades of psychological abuse. Coverage in BBCGuardian and ITV News.

R v Norman [2016] EWCA Crim 1564. Appeal Conviction.
Operation Elveden case. Misconduct in Public Office. Belmarsh prison officer accused of providing information to a journalist. Led by Keir Monteith QC. Appeal proceedings predicated on Article 10 arguments. Widely reported in the National press. Appealed to ECtHR, judgement pending.

R v Graham Bathgate [2016] EWCA Crim 930 – Appeal Sentence. Allowed.

R v Jackson-Mason [2015] 1 Cr. App. R. 6 – Admissibility of expert psychological evidence regarding suggestibility.

R v Palmer, Gyamfi & Cooke [2014] EWCA Crim 1681 (led by Sally O’Neill QC in appeal, junior alone in crown court) Shop staffed by undercover police officers (‘UCO’). Abuse (entrapment). Disclosure of RIPA 2000 authorisations. UCO gave evidence for the appellant after writing a book in which he criticised the operation (Christian Plowman, Crossing the Line, Mainstream Publishing, 2013). See coverage in the Guardian.

R v OD & HA [2011] EWCA Crim 1395 Youth affray sentencing. Appeal allowed.


R v PM  (2024) Rape.  Appeal of conviction. Pending.

R v P  (2024). Rape. Appeal of conviction. Pending.

R v  E  (2024). Kidnap/ False Imprisonment. Appeal of sentence. Pending.

R v EE  (2023) Murder conviction and sentence. Pending

R v RH  (2023) Manslaughter sentence. Pending.

R v M  (2023) Child sexual offending. Appeal of conviction.

R v C  (2019) Appeal of conviction (out of time), 

R v C (2017) Sentenced reduced on appeal.

R v L (2017) Sentence reduced on appeal.

R v N (2016) Controlling Prostitution. Mother with a history of vulnerabilities and joint custody of a child resident abroad. Sentence varied from immediate to suspended imprisonment further to an expedited appeal.

R v KA (2016) CCRC Referral. Assigned by Registrar.

Contact Lucie

BSB Prosecutions


Lucie used to be a clerk for BTAS (the Bar and Tribunals Adjudication Service). This is the Tribunal for professional disciplinary prosecutions brought by the BSB against barristers. She is available for instruction (through a professional client) in this niche area of professional disciplinary work, on a highly confidential basis.

Contact Lucie

Lucie Wibberley

Notable Cases & News

Garden Court Chambers celebrates 50th Anniversary

This year marks 50 years of Garden Court Chambers winning ground-breaking cases of constitutional importance.

Friday 31 May 2024

Defendants found with nearly £500,000 cash in baggage acquitted of money laundering

Lucie Wibberley and Russell Fraser of the Garden Court Crime Team represented MT & AU in a 12-day trial at Chelmsford Crown Court, instructed by Ali Has & Dilara Demir of Morgan Has Solicitors.

Friday 19 Apr 2024

Crime team success in Old Bailey Murder Trial

Anya Lewis KC and Stella Harris were instructed by Leila Rasool of Lewis Nedas. David Emanuel KC and Lucie Wibberley were instructed by Michael Range of ACA Law.

Monday 17 Jul 2023

Lucie Wibberley secures acquittal for defendant accused of intent to cause grievous bodily harm and possession of a bladed article

Lucie Wibberley of the Garden Court Chambers Criminal Defence Team represented the defendant, instructed by Sandra Riordan of PSP Solicitors.

Thursday 2 Sep 2021

All-female legal team secure acquittal of defendants alleged to have carried out retaliatory gangland shooting

Minka Braun and Lucie Wibberly, both of the Garden Court Crime Team, represented defendants alleged to have carried out a retaliatory gangland shooting. Both were acquitted after trial.

Wednesday 4 Aug 2021

Lucie Wibberley speaks at The Scottish Criminal Law Channel’s roundtable discussion on the pandemic’s impact on the Courts

Lucie Wibberley, of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team, spoke at The Scottish Criminal Law Channel's Virtual Roundtable Discussion entitled 'Have we done well with court business in Scotland during the pandemic?' that aired on Thursday 27 May 2021.

Friday 28 May 2021

Defendants found with nearly £500,000 cash in baggage acquitted of money laundering

Lucie Wibberley and Russell Fraser of the Garden Court Crime Team represented MT & AU in a 12-day trial at Chelmsford Crown Court, instructed by Ali Has & Dilara Demir of Morgan Has Solicitors.

Friday 19 Apr 2024

Crime team success in Old Bailey Murder Trial

Anya Lewis KC and Stella Harris were instructed by Leila Rasool of Lewis Nedas. David Emanuel KC and Lucie Wibberley were instructed by Michael Range of ACA Law.

Monday 17 Jul 2023

Lucie Wibberley secures acquittal for defendant accused of intent to cause grievous bodily harm and possession of a bladed article

Lucie Wibberley of the Garden Court Chambers Criminal Defence Team represented the defendant, instructed by Sandra Riordan of PSP Solicitors.

Thursday 2 Sep 2021

All-female legal team secure acquittal of defendants alleged to have carried out retaliatory gangland shooting

Minka Braun and Lucie Wibberly, both of the Garden Court Crime Team, represented defendants alleged to have carried out a retaliatory gangland shooting. Both were acquitted after trial.

Wednesday 4 Aug 2021

Lucie Wibberley speaks at The Scottish Criminal Law Channel’s roundtable discussion on the pandemic’s impact on the Courts

Lucie Wibberley, of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team, spoke at The Scottish Criminal Law Channel's Virtual Roundtable Discussion entitled 'Have we done well with court business in Scotland during the pandemic?' that aired on Thursday 27 May 2021.

Friday 28 May 2021

COVID-19: a protocol to assist solicitors who are working remotely and advising suspects in relation to police interviews

Please circulate to all of your professional contacts working within the criminal justice sector.

Wednesday 1 Apr 2020


Chair of the CBA’s working group on court capacity which published a report in December 2020 instrumental in the fightback against extended operating hours in the criminal courts: 'Report of the Criminal Bar Association Working Group on Court Capacity'

‘Covid 19 – a protocol to assist solicitors working remotely and advising suspects in relation to police interview’ (2020) with Keir Monteith QC, Patrick Roche and Victoria Meads. 

‘Coronavirus, bail and custody time limits – a protocol for protecting the rights and lives of prisoners and their families’ (2020) with Keir Monteith QC, Patrick Roche and Victoria Meads. 

'Why the Bar Should Vote No', published as a blog by 'The Secret Barrister', PSP Solicitors and LCCSA (June 2018)

'What Price Freedom of Speech'Counsel Magazine (February 2018)

'Court Sitting Hours: A Feminist Issue', Women in Justice (October 2017)

'Bach to the Future', Counsel Magazine (November 2017)

Training and seminars

2021: Scottish Criminal Law Channel, May 2021, ‘The Virtual Roundtable Discussion. Have we done well with court business in Scotland during the pandemic? Learning from other jurisdictions.’ (with Thomas Ross QC, Benchmark Advocates, Edith Forrest, Benchmark Advocates and Ffyona Livingstone Clark, Victorian Bar, Australia.

2020: ‘Opposing Extended Operating Hours’ (Legal Sector Workers Union Seminar)

2019: Unreliable Evidence hosted by Clive Anderson ‘Misconduct in Public Office’ (with Alison Levitt QC of 2 Hare Court, Professor Jeremy Horder of LSE Law and Catarina Sjolin, barrister and law lecturer, University of Leicester). Listen here.

2019:  ‘Achieving justice for women whose crimes arise in the context of male violence’ (Centre for Women’s Justice, Appeal and Garden Court Chambers)   

2018: 'Free Speech vs Misconduct in Public Office: Protecting Journalists and Whistleblower Sources from Prosecution' (Garden Court Chambers)


  • BVC (Inns of Court School of Law)
  • PGDL (University of Northumbria)
  • Masters, Political Philosophy (UCL)
  • BA (Hons) Humanities (First Class) (University of Brighton)

Professional Memberships

  • Criminal Bar Association
  • Gray's Inn

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