Anti-Social Behaviour Orders

Thursday 23 June 2005, 4:30pm


Date:Thursday 23 June 2005

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Because Anti-Social Behaviour Orders cross a number of areas of law we are presenting a multi-disciplinary seminar on them. However, we recognise that some areas will be of specific interest to particular practitioners and for this reason the seminar will be presented in two parts as outlined below.

You may book onto both or one or other of the Parts-each Part will be awarded 1.5 CPD hours- 3 hours for both Part 1 and Part 2.

Part 1

4.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. – Aspects of ASBOs pertinent specifically to housing practitioners will be presented. ASBOs in the county court/ injunctions/ possession/ Appeals

Speakers: Jan Luba QC and Stephen Cottle from the housing team at Two Garden Court Chambers

Part 2

6.30 p.m – 8 p.m.- Aspects of ASBO’s pertinent to civil and criminal practitioners (also of interest to housing practitioners) will be presented. To include ASBOs in Magistrates court / appeals to the Crown Court / breaches in the Crown Court and the scope of public law challenges by way of case stated and Judicial Review.

Speakers: Stephen Simblet (civil team) and Maya Sikand (crime team) from Two Garden Court Chambers.

There will be refreshments served at 8 p.m.


1.5 hours for Part 1 or Part 2, or 3 hours for both


Not Given

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