Fraud Alert

Thursday 3 September 2009

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A member of the criminal team at Garden Court Chambers is subject to an on-going internet scam and he has been named as being a principal immigration lawyer in the UK for resolving matters concerning domestic work visas. Any materials or discussion on this matter associating this or any other member of Garden Court Chambers is both incorrect and fraudulent and should be dismissed by anyone who has been unfortunately involved in this scam.

If you have been subject to this fraud please note we are fully aware of this internet scam and wish to advise you that we have reported this matter to the Economic Crimes Unit at Scotland Yard and the Bar Council, the regulatory body for barristers in England and Wales.

For more detailed information on this type of scam see the section entitled "Fraud Alert – 419 Fraud" at which is the Scotland Yard page providing advice on how to deal with scam emails. Under no circumstances should you reply to a bogus email of this kind.

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