Hot off the press – fourth edition of Housing Allocation and Homelessness

Wednesday 8 June 2016

We are pleased to announce the publication of Housing Allocation and Homelessness: Law and Practice (Jordan Publishing, 4th Edition 2016) written by Garden Court Barristers Liz Davies and Connor Johnston, and door tenant and Circuit Judge HHJ Jan Luba QC. The book provides a comprehensive overview on the law relating to the allocation of social housing and homelessness in England and Wales.

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This latest edition has been updated to include:

  • A comprehensive account of the new law in Wales: the Housing (Wales) Act 2014, Part 2, supplemented by the latest statutory guidance issued in April 2016
  • A review of the 2015 Supreme Court decisions on vulnerability, out of borough placements and intentional homelessness, together with subsequent developments of the law
  • A roundup of the most recent High Court challenges to the legality of local authority allocation schemes, introduced following the Localism Act 2011

Written at a time when both statutory homelessness and rough sleeping are on the rise, and where fundamental changes to the landscape of social housing are to be introduced by means of the Housing and Planning Act 2016, it is hoped that the book will provide a valuable resource for housing lawyers and front-line housing staff alike.

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