ICC Appeals Chamber unanimously dismisses Al-Senussi appeal

Thursday 24 July 2014

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has, today, unanimously dismissed the appeal brought by Mr Al-Senussi that the Court’s case against him is inadmissible. Paul Clark represented the Government of Libya.

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More information can be found in the press release on behalf of the Government of Libya.

In April 2013, the Libyan government filed an admissibility challenge to the ICC, in order to allow the trial of Al-Senussi for alleged international crimes to take place before Libyan courts.

Paul was led by Professor James Crawford of Matrix Chambers. Others instructed in the case were Michelle Butler of Matrix Chambers, Wayne Jordash of Doughty Street Chambers, Payam Akhavan of McGill University, and Emma Collins of Three Raymond Buildings.

Paul Clark is a member of Garden Court’s International Advice and Litigation Team.

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