How revolutions happen: patterns from Iran to Egypt.
Dr M. Almond
[2011] Monday 14th February BBC News
For further information, click here.
Dual uprisings show potent new threats to the Arab States.
D. Kirkpatrick and D. Sanger
[2011] Monday 14th February New York Times
For further information, click here.
New centres to detain ‘child asylum seekers’
J. Brown
[2011] Friday 4th February Independent
For further information, click here.
The Court of Appeal found that there was no perversity challenge to an Immigration Judge’s finding that A Sri Lankan asylum seeker found to be of insufficient profile to trigger risk of persecution/ill treatment taking into account the country guidance. The Court of Appeal observed that the conditions in Sri Lanka are fluid and that the focus of the authorities is still on LTTE members, fighters and activists. For the judgment, click here.
BA (Demonstrators in Britain – risk on return) Iran CG [2011] UKUT 36 (IAC).
A helpful country guidance decision on risk of return to Iran for those who have been engaged in sur place activities in the UK. For the judgment, click here.
SA (Iranian Arabs- no general risk CG [2011] UKUT 41 (IAC)]
Another Iranian country guidance decision about Iranian Citizens who are Arabs in which the UT allowed the appeal on the particular facts of the case. The UT accepted that the Iranian State is suspicious of Iranian citizens who are Arabs and that Iranian regime regard London as a centre of separatist activity and therefore being an Iranian Arab returned from UK enhances other risk factors but the UT did not find that an Iranian Arab risks persecution/ill treatment solely by reason of ethnicity. For the judgment, click here.