David Cameron launched the Conservative’s local election campaign last week with a speech on immigration. To read further, click here.
The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas Hammarberg, called on European countries last week to adopt a more humane approach to migration. To read further, click here.
The Poppy Project, which provides support to women who have been the victim of trafficking, has lost £6 million of Government funding to the Salvation Army. To read further, click here.
HS (Palestinian – return to Gaza) Palestinian Territories CG [2011] UKUT 124 (IAC)
New country guidance for Palestinians from Gaza, found that the Tribunal has jurisdiction to consider practical issues concerning the return of a Palestinian family to Gaza. That returnees with passports are unlikely to experience problems in obtaining and, if necessary getting extensions of, visas from the Egyptian authorities to enter Egypt and cross into Gaza via the Rafah crossing. Moreover, the conditions in Gaza are not such as to amount to persecution or breach of the human rights of returnees or place them in need of international protection. To read further, click here.
Tanja Borger v Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse (Case C-516/09)
The ECJ held an EU citizen, on an extended period of unpaid maternity leave, continued to qualify as an ’employed person’, within the meaning of Article 1(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 as long as they continued to be covered by a social security scheme mentioned in Article 1(a) of the same Regulation. Full text is in German. To read further, click here.
HJT Training offers, on 4th and 5th May, a two day course specifically aimed at new immigration lawyers seeking accreditation at LSC Level 1 or OISC Level 2 for those who are interested in becoming acquainted with immigration and asylum law but for whom a four day course is overkill. For further details, click here.