A legal opinion obtained by Liberty suggests that UKBA proposals to introduce an English language test for those coming to Britain to marry UK citizens could breach human rights and race relations legislation.
Click here to read more
The UKBA on Friday introduced an increase in fees for PBS, sponsorship, visit and nationality applications. There will be further increases in November for a range of other applications.
Click here to read more
Additionally on Friday, the UKBA brought out amended Tier 2 policy guidance, sponsor’s guidance for Tier 2 and 5 and a new country of origin information service report for Zimbabwe.
MXL, R (on the application of) & Ors v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] EWHC 2397 (Admin)
Blake J found that a Jamaican woman who had been detained pending deportation had been unlawfully detained. Of particular interest are Blake J’s comments at paragraph 71 concerning the common place assertion by the UKBA in detention cases, that a person who is subject to deportation proceedings, will as a matter of course, have little reason to comply with bail conditions.
Click here for the full judgment
Next Week
Judicial Review Conference
14 October 2010, Birmingham
A leading team from Garden Court Chambers will give an up-to-date overview of all aspects of judicial review including how it can be used in immigration proceedings, together with practical advice on how to apply the law successfully.
For full details, click here