Immigration Law Bulletin – Issue 290 – 3 September 2012

Monday 3 September 2012

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The withdrawal of the sponsor licence of London Metropolitan University left 2,000 students facing an uncertain future in the United Kingdom. UKBA has put specific guidance online. Click here for more information and here for guidance from the UKBA.

The Schedule to the Immigration (Designation of Travel Bans) Order 2000 has been amended to list Council Implementing Decision 2012/393/CFSP of 16 July 2012 (Afghanistan), Council Implementing Decision 2012/454/CFSP of 1 August 2012 (Afghanistan), Council Decision 2012/457/CFSP of 2 August 2012 (Iran), Council Decision 2012/388/CFSP of 16 July 2012 (Somalia) and Council Implementing Decision 2012/424/CFSP of 23 July 2012 (Syria), so permitting exclusion from the United Kingdom of persons caught under this provision. Click here for more information.


IMG (EU deportation – Article 28(3) – imprisonment) Portugal [2012] UKUT 268 (IAC) (31 August 2012)
The Tribunal referred a series of questions to the CJEU relating to the approach to be taken to expulsion on grounds of criminality following residence of ten years: whether a period in prison following sentence for commission of a criminal offence by a Union citizen breaks the residence period in the host Member State required for that person to benefit from the highest level of protection against expulsion, whether such residence has to be continuous, and how the period is calculated. To read the full judgment click here.

Petition of ISA, Re Judicial Review [2012] ScotCS CSOH_134 (24 August 2012)
The Court of Session reviews the authorities on age assessment, finding evidence from well known expert Dr Birch to be unsatisfactory following a detailed assessment and cross examination. To read the full judgment click here.

UK Business Academy Ltd (R on the application of) v Secretary Of State For Home Department [2012] EWHC 2385 (Admin)
His Honour Sycamore J sitting as a Deputy High Court judge noted that a failure to follow an organisation’s internal policies could lead to a withdrawal of a licence. As to the right to property, there was a clear distinction between goodwill and a future right to income, and only the former enlivened the right to property.

Immigration Law Training Events

EEA Nationals: A Guide to the Amended Regulations
ILPA, Tuesday 11 September at 4pm
ILPA present their course EEA Nationals: A Guide to the Amended Regulations, Adrian Berry being amongst the speakers. Click here for more information.

The Revolution in Family Migration – Practical Solutions and Ideas from the first three months
HJT, Thursday 13 September 2012 at 4pm
In central London HJT Training present, the first of a series in which practitioners will be kept abreast of the latest thinking and developments in this dramatic area. Click here for more information.

The New Family Immigration Rules and their significance
JCWI, 14 September 2012, London

New changes to immigration law made in July 2012 will significantly alter the admission and stay of family members. Navtej Singh Ahluwalia and Sadat Sayeed of Garden Court Chambers will take you through the details of the changes and their implications for practitioners. For full details, click here.

Immigration Law Books

Garden Court Chambers immigration team members are authors of numerous books which we mention from time to time.

Asylum Law and Practice (2nd edition)
The second edition of Asylum Law and Practice by Mark Symes and Peter Jorro is published, and has been described as "pre-eminent" by Lord Brown. Price: £138.00. For full details, click here.

Fransman’s British Nationality Law (3rd edition)
The third edition of Fransman’s British Nationality Law, written by Laurie Fransman QC and with contributions from Adrian Berry and Alison Harvey, was published in spring 2011. Price: £295.00. For full details, click here.

Macdonald’s Immigration Law & Practice (8th edition)
The eighth edition of Macdonald’s Immigration Law & Practice was written by Ian Macdonald QC with contributions from many members of the Garden Court Immigration Team. Price: £230.00. For full details, click here.

Human Trafficking Handbook
Nadine Finch has contributed to the Human Trafficking Handbook: Recognising Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery in the UK. Price: £34.99. For full details, click here.


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