The Migration Advisory Committee published last week its latest recommendations for changes to the shortage occupation lists for the UKBA. The committee recommends that the pharmacist’s category on the UK shortage occupation list be expanded to include community pharmacists. It also recommends those orchestral musician jobs that are not for leaders or principals of internationally recognised UK orchestras be removed from the shortage occupation list. Click here
The amount of cash support for asylum seekers will be increased by 1.1% from April 2010. An adult asylum seeker in receipt of NASS support will now receive £35.52 per week. Click here
The chief inspector of prisons, Dame Anne Owers, in a report published last week, strongly criticised the treatment of children detained at Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre. Click here
Three decisions from the Admin court last week. In Lohdi v the Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] EWHC 567 (Admin), Laws LJ, sitting in the High Court, found that there was a real risk that, if a Pakistani national was extradited to the United Arab Emirates, his rights under the European Convention on Human Rights 1950 art.3 would be breached as prison conditions there, especially for foreigners, are cruel and degrading.
In Ahmed (R on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] EWHC 625 (Admin), Langstaff J held that in an unlawful detention challenge, the essential matter is to ask whether continued detention can be justified if there are available conditions of release which will provide a proportionate measure of security against the risk of absconding.
Davis J found in Mehari (R on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] EWHC 636 (Admin) (22 February 2010) that an award of £4000 was appropriate for a woman of good character who had been detained for one week.
The British Nationality (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 SI 2010/785 comes into force on 7th April 2010, amending the 2003 Regulations, for provisions determining whether a person has sufficient knowledge of English and of ‘life in the UK’, for the purpose of an application for naturalisation. Clcik here
The Asylum Support (Amendment) Regulations 2010 SI 2010/784, from the 12th April 2010, amends regulation 10(2) of the 2000 Regulations, increasing payments for a qualified person’s essential needs. Click here