Kathryn Cronin shortlisted for Family Law Barrister of the Year at Family Law Awards 2023

Tuesday 5 September 2023

We are delighted to announce that Kathryn Cronin of Garden Court Chambers has been shortlisted for Family Law Barrister at the Family Law Awards 2023.

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The LexisNexis Family Law Awards brings the family law community together for its biggest night of the year, celebrating excellence, networking and recognising its vital contribution to society. Now in its twelfth year, the Family Law Awards were launched in 2011 to recognise the important work of family lawyers, and celebrate their many successes and outstanding achievements.

The Family Law Barrister of the Year category is awarded to a barrister of at least five years post call who has made a major contribution to the field of family law through their advice and high-level advocacy. View the full shortlist here.

The Family Law Awards 2023 will be held on Monday 27 November 2023.

Kathryn Cronin
Kathryn has an extensive and varied immigration, asylum and family law practice. She is known for her representation of vulnerable clients, in particular asylum and human rights cases involving women and children. Kathryn was ranked for immigration (Band 1) and family law in Chambers & Partners UK 2023 and in Legal 500 2023.  

Kathryn has expert knowledge of the intersection between family law and immigration law. She frequently advises in family proceedings concerning immigration and nationality issues as well as international adoptions, international surrogacy arrangements and transnational care and child placement arrangements. Kathryn has considerable experience in crossover areas where family or childcare cases involve associated issues on immigration status, or concerning immigration cases where there are family and childcare law and practice considerations. 
She regularly provides advice to parties, local authorities or guardian's ad litem concerning the steps to be taken to resolve immigration problems whether for parents or for minors. Kathryn has represented many persons trafficked for sexual or domestic labour purposes and also undertakes leading work in public law. 
She was, for many years, the senior author of Butterworth's Australian Immigration Law Service and the author of the entry on immigration, citizenship and refugee law in Halsbury's Laws of Australia. She is a joint author of Macdonald's Immigration Law and Practice 6th, 7th and 8th, 9th, 10th editions. She has published extensively on immigration, refugee, human rights and children's rights issues. 
In addition, Kathryn has undertaken training for organisations as diverse as the Law Society, law firms, local authorities, NGOs, ILPA, ATLeP, the Family Justice Council and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Refugees. She is the author of numerous conference and training papers. 

Kathryn won Legal Aid Barrister of the Year at the 2023 LALY Awards.

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