New tenants join Garden Court

Monday 4 December 2006

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Two new tenants have joined Garden Court this month. Stephen Marsh has joined our civil team practice after completing his pupillage at Garden Court; David Emanuel joins us from Pump Court Chambers to practise in our criminal team.

Stephen will be developing a civil practice focusing on employment and discrimination, welfare benefits, community care, housing, Gypsy and Traveller rights and prison law. He has ten years experience working in the voluntary and public sector and he has particular legal expertise in disability discrimination and community care. 

David has practiced exclusively as a criminal defence barrister and has a strong passion for upholding and protecting the rights of the individual. He undertakes pro-bono work and regularly advises convicted prisoners on the merits of making applications to the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) and has also undertaken a judicial review of the CCRC. He has a varied practice and has a particular interest in the right to silence.

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