New Tredegar man acquitted of murdering convicted child killer, David Gaut

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Ali Naseem Bajwa QC of Garden Court Chambers represented the defendant, Darran Evesham, who was acquitted of murdering the convicted child killer, David Gaut.

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On Monday a jury found 23-year-old Ieuan Harley guilty of the murder in New Tredegar of David Gaut, who had himself recently been released from serving a 33-year sentence for killing a 17-month old baby in 1985.

Darran Evesham was acquitted of being Harley’s accomplice in the murder on the direction of the trial judge, Mr. Justice Clive Lewis, at the close of the Crown’s case. The jury also acquitted Gaut’s neighbour, David Osborne, of being a party to the murder.

The three men will be sentenced on 25 March for the separate matter of perverting the course of justice, in moving the body and disposing of a number of items after the murder.

Ali Naseem Bajwa QC led Harry Baker of Temple Court Chambers and was instructed by Darren Bishop and Lydia Williams of Harding Evans Solicitors.

This case has been reported in the Guardian and BBC.

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