Mark Robinson secures acquittal for defendant in Reading Crown Court

Monday 5 August 2024

Mark Robinson of the Garden Court Criminal Defence Team acted for the defendant, instructed by Bilal Sajid of IBB Law LLP.

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Mark Robinson secures acquittal for defendant charged with intentional strangulation and assault occasioning actual bodily harm in Reading Crown Court.

The defendant was accused of beating her daughter with a stick multiple times, and also strangling her.

During the course of the trial, Mark adduced evidence that the daughter had informed her social worker that she had fabricated the allegations against the defendant, her mother. Mark also referred to school reports that confirmed that the daughter was being groomed online by older men, which the daughter had denied taking place during cross-examination.

The defence argued that the daughter had fabricated the allegations against her mother to conceal these interactions that had taken place online.

The jury took just 38 minutes to unanimously return not guilty verdicts on both counts.

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