Mark Robinson

Year of Call: 2020, Solicitor with higher rights of audience since 2020

“Mark is a maverick, who instantly forms a rapport with his lay clients and has an impressive acquittal rate for somebody of his call.”

Caroline Downs – Wainwright Cummins Solicitors


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Mark has gained a reputation as being a maverick who fiercely defends clients in court and rises to the challenge when dealing with complex legal issues and incorporating novel points of law into his submissions.

Mark is approachable and views it as a priority to convey legal advice to his lay clients in a way they understand.

Mark is regularly instructed for matters in the Crown Court and appears in the Court of Appeal. 
Mark is an experienced Gangs Practitioner and accepts instructions for serious youth violence and drug-related offences. He also has experience representing youths and vulnerable adults with a variety of mental health and learning difficulties who require an intermediary.

Mark previously assisted with the research of several commissioned reports: ‘From Postcodes to Profit’ and the ‘Lammy Review’. He is keen to continue with this important work and welcomes instructions for all public inquests and inquiries.

Criminal Defence


Mark appears in the Crown Court and is regularly instructed on cases which involve serious violence including murder, serious sexual offences including rape, drug supply, and firearms. Mark has particular expertise where his lay clients rely on s.45 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 as a defence, gang-related violence and representing vulnerable clients with neurodivergent learning difficulties and mental health conditions. 

Notable Cases

Central Criminal Court - Murder (2024)
Mark is currently instructed in a multi-handed murder case at the Central Criminal Court, being led by Jason Pitter KC and instructed by Bernard Solicitors.

Snaresbrook Crown Court - Unlawful Wounding - Quashed (2024)
Mark was privately instructed by Iftekhar Hossain of Liberty Legal Solicitors LLP. The Judge found that there was insufficient evidence in the case against D and quashed the single count of section 20 GBH on the indictment.

Kingston Crown Court - Acquittal Secured (2024)
Mark was instructed by Natasha Anderson of Anderson Solicitors. Mark Robinson secured the acquittal of a defendant charged with multiple counts of rape, assault and witness intimidation. 

High Court - Successfully Obtained Writ of Habeas Corpus (2023) 
Mark was instructed by MMA Solicitors. His client, due to be released, remained in custody. HMP Wormwood Scrubs ignored the court order. He was successful in obtaining a Writ of Habeas Corpus, ordering the immediate release of Mark’s client, as the error of time spent on remand had now been remedied. The Judge went further and said that the order would also stand as Judicial Review. Mark was instructed by MMA Solicitors.

Wood Green Crown Court - Acquittal Secured (2023)
Financial Crime - Mark's defence statement led to the case being reviewed. It was found that the complainant and witnesses accounts lacked creditability. The prosecution then offered no evidence against all three defendants and not-guilty verdicts were entered. Mark was instructed by Bianca St Prix of Lawrence & Co.

Inner London Crown Court - Acquittal Secured (2023)
Mark secured an acquittal for his client charged with threats to kill and stalking at Inner London Crown Court. Mark was instructed by Caroline Downs of Wainwright & Cummins LLP.

Southwark Crown Court - Absolute Discharge (2023)
Mark secured an absolute discharge for the defendant, found to have done the act of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, after a six-week trial. Mark’s client was one of seven defendants charged with s.18 GBH, violent disorder and the possession of a bladed article. Mark provided advice for a psychological assessment. Four psychological assessments found Mark’s client unfit to plead and stand trial. The prosecution formally offered no evidence a week before trial. The Judge then accepted that no suitable treatment could be found that could support Mark’s client’s needs and imposed an absolute discharge. Mark was instructed by Nike Otubusen of Cotisens Solicitors.

Isleworth Crown Court - Acquittal Secured (2023)
Mark secured an acquittal for the defendant, charged with two counts of possession with intent to supply Class A, crack cocaine and heroin, after a six-day trial. Mark was instructed by Michael Situ of Lincolns Solicitors.

Snaresbrook Crown Court - Acquittal Secured (2023)
Mark secured an acquittal for his client in a 10-handed conspiracy to supply Class A, after the prosecution offered no evidence. Mark was instructed by Vanessa Wiggins from Bark & Co Solicitors.

R v A (Inner London Crown Court, 2022) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal for his client charged with ABH after a three-day trial, where the defendant was alleged to have attended his ex-partner’s house and beaten the mother with a crutch. The jury accepted it was self-defence and returned a unanimous not guilty verdict.

R v Y (Harrow Crown Court, 2022) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal for his client charged with Affray after a three-day trial, where the defendant was alleged to have thrown a bottle at the police who attended an unlicenced music event during the Covid Lockdown of 2020.

R v G (Snaresbrook Crown Court, 2022) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal for his client charged with stalking, whose alleged conduct led to the complainant attempting to take her own life.

R v M (Southwark Crown Court, 2022) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal for his client charged with possessing criminal property, after the Crown alleged the £3000 cash seized was money from her husband’s drug supply operation.

R v H (Wood Green Crown Court, 2022) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal for his client charged with robbery (carjacking) after successful submission of no case to answer, as a result of the police returning the stolen car back to the complainant without undertaking forensic analysis and the complainant failing to identify his own designer bag he alleged was taken from him during the robbery.

R v B (Woolwich Crown Court, 2021) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal of client charged with possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life, where a firearm was discharged through the front door of a rival gang member's house. The prosecution attempted to use Drill music videos to suggest the defendant was a gang associate, however, after expert evidence was adduced from a professor of criminology, the prosecution conceded that the client did not have any gang affiliation.

R v D (Central Criminal Court/Monument, 2021) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal for his client charged with possession with intent to supply. Despite the evidence being overwhelming, the police lost the original copy of the ledger containing all the debts accrued from local drug users. Mark submitted that the police failed to forensically examine the document and were under a duty to retain such material, and the jury unanimously acquitted the client.

R v D (Isleworth Crown Court, 2021) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal for his client charged with sexually assaulting his work colleague. It was adduced by the prosecution’s own witnesses that the complainant had a personal vendetta against the company and had previously made false allegations against other members of staff. The trial judge repeatedly refused evidence capable of undermining the Crown’s case to be adduced, even though it was being adduced by the Crown’s own witnesses. Despite this, the prosecution witnesses highlighted the client’s impeccable good character and 47-year unblemished work history record. The jury returned a unanimous not guilty verdict in 14 minutes.

R v M (Portsmouth Crown Court 2021) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal for client charged with affray after an 8-day multi-handed trial, where a group of four young people were alleged to have assaulted three door staff at a night club.

R v A (Snaresbrook Crown Court, 2021) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal for client charged with two counts of assault occasioning actually bodily harm after both complainants alleged that they had been stabbed. There was no medical evidence to support the allegation and the police had seized the wrong knife at the scene. The complainants in their evidence accepted that they threw the alleged weapon away.

R v G (Edward Colston Case, 2020)
Mark was instructed as a solicitor to represent one of the first suspects interviewed for the toppling of the Edward Colston statue in Bristol and secured an out-of-court disposal, which was a conditional caution that included the client attending a local authority meeting to discuss the removal of all statues of individuals that were involved in the slave trade in the City of Bristol. 

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Criminal Appeals


Mark appears in the Criminal Court of Appeal for appeals against conviction and sentence and is regularly instructed to advise on the merits of out-of-time appeals for serious historic sexual offences. 

Notable Cases

R v J (Criminal Court of Appeal, 2023)
Mark Robinson was successful in his defendant’s appeal in the Criminal Court of Appeal. The applicant was charged with two counts of Inciting a Child Under 13 to Engage in Sexual Activity, contrary to section 8(2) of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and sentenced to nine years imprisonment, with an extended licence period of seven years. It is to be noted that no sexual activity actually took place. The full court found the sentence the trial judge imposed to be manifestly excessive, granted the extension of time and allowed the appeal, quashing the original sentence of nine-years custody and substituted it with a sentence of six years, and substituted the extended licence period of seven years with a licence period of six years. 

R v A (Court of Appeal, 2021)
Successfully appealed his client’s sentence for possession with intent to supply of Class B, after the judge failed to apply the sentencing guidelines correctly.

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Financial Crime and Confiscation


Mark accepts instructions for all serious and complex financial crime.

Mark is representing the lead defendant in a nine defendant 1.1 million pound banking fraud, stemming from an investigation that lasted four years. The trial is estimated to last ten weeks and due to commence in Southwark Crown Court in June. Mark Robinson is instructed by Eshaghian & Co.

Mark Robinson has been instructed by Shearman Bowen, in a sophisticated nationwide mobile phone fraud involving EE, Vodafone, O2 and Carphone Warehouse. The historic fraud, which went on undetected for a year covered the length and breadth of the UK from the South Coast to Scotland, where 176 customers had their identities stolen and accounts opened in their name. The lengthy trial is due to commence in Portsmouth Crown Court in the new year.

Notable Cases

Wood Green Crown Court - Acquittal Secured (2023)
Financial Crime - Mark's defence statement led to the case being reviewed. It was found that the complainant and witnesses accounts lacked creditability. The prosecution then offered no evidence against all three defendants and not-guilty verdicts were entered. Mark was instructed by Bianca St Prix of Lawrence & Co.

R v M (Southwark Crown Court, 2022)
Secured acquittal for his client charged with possessing criminal property, after the Crown alleged the £3000 cash seized was money from her husband’s drug supply operation.

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Media and Entertainment Law

Mark represents high-profile clients working in the media and entertainment industry. Mark's legal experience in this area, as well as his prior career in the media and entertainment industry as a presenter for BBC Radio 1Xtra and professional DJ, means he is adept in brand and reputation management and successfully keeping clients out of the press. 

He takes instructions in this area and looks to broaden this practice further, particularly in the area of defamation.

Contact Mark


Mark has experience representing clients facing disciplinary proceedings and also been a case presenter for a regulatory body.

Mark was on a Transport for London Panel and presented cases on behalf of them at the appeal stage, where private hire vehicles were subject to complaints from members of the public or had breached their service user terms and conditions. The court had to consider whether the drivers were fit and proper to hold a PCO licence.

Mark represented a London Bus Driver in The Public Inquiry Room before the Traffic Commissioner, where a bus driver was accused of using his phone whilst driving and being involved in a traffic collision. Mark submitted that the London Bus Company did not provide any evidence that the bus was involved in any accident, the driver had an immedicable driving record without blemish until this incident, and whilst he accepted using his phone to listen to music whilst the bus was not in service, it would be disproportionate to revoke the driver’s PCV licence. The Transport Commissioner found very little evidence of wrongdoing and was persuaded by the driver’s impeccable driving record to only impose a 14-day suspension of his licence for using his phone whilst driving.

Mark also acted for a business who was taken to court by the London Borough of Newham after they failed to pay £70,000 in business rates for their shop in Westfield, Stratford, during Covid. An out-of-court settlement was negotiated.

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Sexual Offences


Mark appears in the Crown Court and is regularly instructed on cases which involve serious sexual offences. Mark appears in the Criminal Court of Appeal for appeals against conviction and sentence and is regularly instructed to advise on the merits of out-of-time appeals for serious historic sexual offences.

Notable Cases

Kingston Crown Court (2024) - Acquittal Secured
Mark was instructed by Natasha Anderson of Anderson Solicitors. Mark Robinson secured the acquittal of a defendant charged with multiple counts of rape, assault and witness intimidation. 

R v W (Woolwich Crown Court, 2024)
Secured an 18-month community order for a defendant found with 50,00 indecent images of children. Mark was instructed by Titan Solicitors.

R v W (Croydon Crown Court, 2024) - Acquittal Secured 
Secured acquittal of defendant alleged to have incited a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity. After complex disclosure issues, which led to the trial being vacated several times; the child and their sibling were taken into local authority care. Material was then found on an iPad that proved the allegations against the defendant stemmed from the child and their younger sibling independently watching pornographic material on the Minecraft app on an iPad, which was not linked to the defendant. The prosecution offered no evidence. Mark was instructed by Caroline Downs of Wainwright Cummins.

R v J (Criminal Court of Appeal, 2023)
Successful in his defendant’s appeal in the Criminal Court of Appeal. The applicant was charged with two counts of Inciting a Child Under 13 to Engage in Sexual Activity, contrary to section 8(2) of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and sentenced to nine years imprisonment, with an extended licence period of seven years. The full court found the sentence the trial judge imposed to be manifestly excessive, granted the extension of time and allowed the appeal, quashing the original sentence of nine-year custody and substituted it with a sentence of six years, and substituted the extended licence period of seven years with a licence period of six years. 

R v S (Snaresbrook Crown Court, 2023)
Mark Robinson was instructed by Di Piazza Solicitors to represent a defendant to stand trial alleged to have incited a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity. This case involved a fake profile set up by paedophile hunters.

R v W (Norwich Crown Court, 2023)
Mark was instructed by GT Stewart Solicitors to represent a defendant due to stand trial, alleged to have incited an 8-year-old child to engage in sexual activity. This case involved section 28 of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 pre-recorded cross examination.

R v A (Wood Green Crown Court, 2022) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal for his client charged with three counts of rape and three counts of sexual assault after a four-day trial. The client was not called to give evidence and the complainant gave their evidence in a pre-recorded cross-examination pursuant to section 28 of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999.

R v W (Wood Green Crown Court, 2022) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal for his client charged with sexual assault, despite 17 years of antecedents being admitted during the client’s cross-examination after the client attacked the character of the witness.

R v G (Snaresbrook Crown Court, 2022) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal for his client charged with stalking, whose alleged conduct led to the complainant attempting to take her own life.

R v DF (Harrow Crown Court, 2022)
Mark was instructed by Amosu Robinshaw Solicitors to represent a defendant due to stand trial for sexual assault of a child under 13. This case involved section 28 of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 pre-recorded cross examination.

R v P (Snaresbrook Crown Court, 2022)
Mark Robinson was instructed by Blackfords LLP to represent a defendant to stand trial, alleged to have attempted to engage with sexual communication with a child. This case involved an undercover police operation.

R v B (Harrow Crown Court, 2022)
Mark Robinson was instructed by Amosu Robinshaw Solicitors to represent a defendant due to stand trial for rape of his ex-partner.

R v B (Inner London Crown Court, 2022)
Mark was instructed by Wainwright Cummins to defend an alleged serial rapist to stand trial, where one of the rapes occurred on the Northern Line Tube.

R v C  (2022)
Mark Robinson was privately instructed by Wainwright Cummins on a historic sexual offence appeal against conviction for a client convicted of raping his daughter when she was a child.

R v S  (Inner London Crown Court, 2022)
Mark was instructed by Wainwright Cummins to defend an Uber driver to stand trial, who was alleged to have deliberately targeted and raped lesbian women.

R v D (Isleworth Crown Court, 2021) - Acquittal Secured
Secured acquittal for his client charged with sexually assaulting his work colleague. It was adduced by the prosecution’s own witnesses that the complainant had a personal vendetta against the company and had previously made false allegations against other members of staff. The trial judge repeatedly refused evidence capable of undermining the Crown’s case to be adduced, even though it was being adduced by the Crown’s own witnesses. Despite this, the prosecution witnesses highlighted the client’s impeccable good character and 47-year unblemished work history record. The jury returned a unanimous not guilty verdict in 14 minutes.

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Notable Cases & News

Mark Robinson secures acquittal for defendant charged with burglary

Mark Robinson of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team was instructed by Ed Caute of FMW Law.

28 May 2024

Mark Robinson secures reduced sentence for 'third-striker' defendant at Snaresbrook Crown Court

Mark Robinson of the Garden Court Crime Team acted for the defendant, instructed by Aika Stephenson of Just for Kids Law.

24 May 2024

Garden Court Chambers revises policy on Stratford Magistrates' Court

23 May 2024

Mark Robinson successful in application to dismiss for defendant charged with unlawful wounding

Mark Robinson of the Garden Court Crime Team was privately instructed by Iftekhar Hossain of Liberty Legal Solicitors LLP.

8 May 2024

Mark Robinson secures acquittal for defendant in Kingston Crown Court

Mark Robinson secured the acquittal of the defendant, instructed by Natasha Anderson of Anderson Solicitors.

8 May 2024

Garden Court Chambers statement on security searches at Stratford Magistrates' Court

8 May 2024

Mark Robinson secures acquittal at Wood Green Crown Court

Mark Robinson of the Garden Court Crime Team acted for the defendant, instructed by Bianca St Prix of Lawrence & Co.

20 December 2023

Mark Robinson successfully obtains a Writ of Habeas Corpus

Mark Robinson of the Garden Court Crime Team, instructed by MMA Solicitors, was successful in obtaining a Writ of Habeas Corpus in the High Court (Administrative Court - Kings Bench Division).

20 December 2023

Mark Robinson secures acquittal for defendant at Inner London Crown Court

Mark Robinson of the Garden Court Crime Team acted for the defendant, instructed by Caroline Downs of Wainwright Cummins.

23 November 2023

Mark Robinson successful in Criminal Court of Appeal

Mark Robinson of the Garden Court Crime Team was instructed by the Criminal Appeals Office after the single Judge granted a Representation Order.

16 November 2023

Mark Robinson secures acquittal for defendant at Guildford Crown Court

Mark Robinson of the Garden Court Criminal Defence Team successfully acted for the defendant, instructed by Wainwright Cummins.

26 October 2023

Mark Robinson secures absolute discharge for defendant

Mark Robinson of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team acted for the defendant, instructed by Nike Otubusen of Cotisens Solicitors.

1 August 2023

Mark Robinson secures acquittal in large scale drugs case

Mark Robinson, of the Garden Court Chambers Criminal Defence Team, was instructed by Vanessa Wiggins from Bark & Co Solicitors.

27 July 2023

Mark Robinson secures acquittal for defendant charged with two counts of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs

Mark Robinson of the Garden Court Criminal Defence Team was instructed by Michael Situ of Lincolns Solicitors.

7 June 2023

Mark Robinson secures acquittal for defendant accused of supplying Class A drugs

Mark Robinson of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team acted for the defendant, instructed by Natasha Anderson of Andersons Solicitors.

9 May 2023

Mark Robinson instructed in two high-profile financial crime cases

Mark Robinson of the Financial Crime & Confiscation Team accepts instructions for all serious and complex financial crime.

19 April 2023

Garden Court Chambers and Garden Court North remember Ian Macdonald QC

Garden Court Chambers and Garden Court North were honoured to host a memorial event for Ian Macdonald QC 1939-2019 at Middle Temple Hall on Tuesday 7 February 2023.

17 February 2023

Garden Court secures top tier rankings in the Legal 500 2023

Garden Court Chambers is proud to be recognised as a Top Tier set again in the Legal 500.

30 September 2022

Members of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team support escalating proposed CBA action to include days of action

17 June 2022

Stephanie Harrison QC, Chair and Joint Head of Garden Court Chambers, comments on the Nationality and Borders Bill receiving Royal Assent

29 April 2022

Garden Court Crime Team statement on no returns action

30 March 2022

Garden Court secures number one rankings in Chambers UK Bar Guide 2022

21 October 2021

Garden Court Chambers Crime Team shortlisted for Crime Set of the Year by Chambers Bar Awards 2021

We are delighted to announce that the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team has been shortlisted by the Chambers Bar Awards 2021 for Crime Set of the Year.

27 August 2021

All related news


Prior to coming to the Bar, Mark established a busy practice as a freelance solicitor after he successfully completed his training contract with a leading East London criminal defence firm. 

Mark was a presenter on BBC Radio 1Xtra and a professional DJ for many years. Mark continues to work with the BBC and was recently featured on the BBC 2 documentary, How to Crack the Class Ceiling and previously appeared on BBC Radio 4’s Law in Action.

Mark also runs Lawyers at Large; a project that sees state school-educated barristers invited into secondary schools and shares their ‘non-traditional’ journey to the bar, running an advocacy skills class and a mock trial competition for students to participate in. 


Finalist, Legal Excellence Luminary Award - Potential Unlocked Awards 2024


  • BPP - Higher Rights of Audience – Criminal (2020)
  • London Metropolitan University – Legal Practice Course (2020)
  • Birkbeck University of London - LLB (Hons) Upper Second-Class Honours - 2:1 (2018)

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