Not guilty verdict at the Old Bailey for attempted murder following an incident involving an alleged attempt to shoot a Jewish man in Stamford Hill

Friday 25 September 2020

Alex Rose was instructed by Mohammed Zeb and Nawal Asskoumi at Stuart Miller Solicitors.

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The defendant was seen on CCTV and by eye-witnesses to point a firearm at a member of the public during the middle of the afternoon in Stamford Hill, in what was initially believed to be an anti-Semitic attack. The Prosecution relied on independent witnesses who described the gun man as attempting to repeatedly discharge the firearm whilst pointing it at the member of the public, and shaking it after the gun had apparently jammed before discarding the loaded weapon.  

The defendant’s case was that he did not believe the gun to be real and had only pointed it at the complainant without attempting to fire it. He also said it was part of a prank he was filming with a view to making content for a channel on TrollStation/YouTube.

The defendant was found Not Guilty of attempted murder and possession of a firearm/ammunition with intent to endanger life.

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