Protestor injured on demonstration obtains damages

Friday 16 December 2011

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Stephen Simblet has successfully represented a protestor, obtaining damages in excess of £14,000 in the High Court, after she suffered injuries at the hands of the police.

Judgment has been given in the High Court in the case of Kelly Minio-Paluello v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis. The claimant, Kelly Minio-Paluello, had attended a demonstration near the Israeli Embassy in London, protesting against the Israeli military action against Palestinians in Gaza. Ms Minio-Paluello had seen one of her colleagues arrested and had followed to where the police had taken him, ending up on the ground. A police officer had pulled her up off the ground, during which he broke her arm and caused injury to her shoulder. After a five-day trial in the High Court, Eder J found the Commissioner of Police liable for assault and ordered the payment of damages in excess of £14,000.

Click here to download the full judgment

Ms Minio-Paluello was represented in the claim by specialist in police claims, Stephen Simblet, instructed by Alice Hardy at Bhatt Murphy Solicitors.

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