International Centre for Trade Union Rights report on the Sinter Metal Trial before the 3rd Labour Court of Uskudar, Turkey
Sarah Hemingway visited Turkey in August to monitor a trial on behalf of the International Centre for Trade Union Rights. The reinstatement cases brought by hundreds of dismissed workers from the Sinter Metal Factory were again adjourned, over 18 months after the workers claim they were dismissed for joining a trade union.
Sarah Hemingway attended the labour court with representatives from International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF) and EMF on 4 and 6 August in order to observe the hearings brought by dismissed workers who claim they were subject to anti-union discrimination by the Sinter Metal Company. However, the judge adjourned the hearings for the eighth time until 22 October because the company had failed again to ensure their witnesses attended court. Workers have been campaigning for "work, bread and trade union rights" for over 18 months with some urgency. In Turkish law a case such as this should be concluded within two months but the delays in these cases have led the Birlesik Metal Trade Union to proclaim that "Justice delayed is justice denied". The ICTUR report, which will be submitted to the relevant international bodies, concludes that there has been a potential breach of Article 6 of the ECHR and of relevant ILO standards.
For more on the observation mission click here.
Sarah Hemingway is a member of the Garden Court Chambers Civil Law Team.