Smita Shah will be taking part in a panel discussion following the screening of The Law In These Parts

Friday 14 June 2013

Award winning documentary by Israeli film maker Ra’anan Alexandrowicz explores the issues resulting in the legal regime that governs the Occupied Palestinian Territory, with checkpoints, military courts, detention without trial or charge and illegal settlements and confiscation of land.

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The Law In These Parts has created a stir wherever it has been shown. It has won the best documentary award at the Jerusalem Film Festival in 2011 and the World Jury Prize at the Sundance Festival in 2012. It has been shown in 200 screenings and tv in Israel. It has been shown to the IDF’s military courts unit, security establishment, Israeli educators and legal professionals. It is rarely given a widespread general release so this is an excellent opportunity to catch it if you missed it at the Human Rights Watch Film Festival in London earlier this year.

The movie is showing at Birkbeck cinema on 15th June 2013 at 5pm, followed by a roundtable discussion of which Smita Shah, Barrister at Garden Court Chambers is part of the panel. Registration is essential.

For further information and to register please click here.

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