Tom Wainwright secures Not Guilty verdict for student protestor struck by police batons

Monday 11 March 2013

In 2010 Alfie Meadows and Zac King were both struck on the head by police batons whilst peacefully protesting in Parliament Square against the rise in tuition fees. Alfie was nearly killed by the blow. Both then found themselves charged with Violent Disorder.

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After one jury were unable to reach a verdict and a second trial had to be abandoned due to illness, Tom Wainwright represented Mr King at the third trial over two years after the incident had taken place. Both defendants argued that their only contact with the police was when they had acted in defence of themselves and others and the Defence were able to produce video footage showing excessive and unnecessary force being used by the police.

After a four week trial, the jury agreed and returned within a short time to unanimously acquit both Defendants.

Tom Wainwright is a member of Garden Court Chambers Crime Team.

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