Pete Weatherby KC predominately practises in Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds and Liverpool. He undertakes the full range of criminal defence work, as well as actions against the police and general prisoners’ rights law. He is also a tenant of Garden Court North, Manchester.
Criminal Defence
Pete undertakes the full range of criminal defence work including murder, manslaughter, GBH, armed robbery, public order, drugs, theft and fraud. He is particularly interested in cases with a civil liberties dimension, or political, prison law or mental health aspects. He has an increasingly appellate practice and has appeared in a number of miscarriage cases in recent years.
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Prisoners’ Rights
High Court applications (judicial review and habeus corpus) regarding conditions, rules and release dates. Actions against the Home Office for assault and negligence. Representation at ‘Discretionary Lifers panels’, and the new style adjudications. Pete has appeared in the Court of Appeal, House of Lords and Court of Human Rights in respect to false imprisonment, Article 6 (adjudications), and Article 2 (prison death inquests) cases.