Criminal Disclosure Referencer – Second Edition now published

Thursday 21 December 2017

Garden Court Crime is pleased to announce that Criminal Disclosure Referencer, Second Edition written by Tom WainwrightEmma Fenn and Shahida Begum has been published.

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The newspaper headlines over the last few days (e.g. BBC) show how crucially important disclosure is to the proper functioning of the criminal justice process. Only if all parties are aware of their obligations and carry out their duties rigorously and fairly can justice be done. The appellate courts are littered with examples of what can go wrong if disclosure is neglected.

The second edition of The Criminal Disclosure Referencer provides practitioners with a practical, user-friendly guide to law relating to the disclosure of unused material. The text follows the disclosure process chronologically from the commencement to the investigation to the conclusion of the case drawing together all the relevant legislation, codes, guidelines, rules, protocols and case law in a comprehensive manner, thereby enabling the reader to see quickly and easily the duties and obligations of the main participants.

Tom WainwrightEmma Fenn and Shahida Begum are all members of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team.

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