Grand Chamber ECJ decides that de-listing of Al-Qaeda terrorist suspects by the UN and EU does not render applications for annulment before the ECJ devoid of purpose

Tuesday 28 May 2013

In a ruling by its Grand Chamber today, the European Court of Justice ruled that de-listing of Al-Qaeda terrorist suspects by the UN and EU does not render applications for annulment before the ECJ devoid of purpose.

Abdulbasit Abdulrahim v Council of the European Union and European Commission [C-239/12 P]

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Ed Grieves acted as junior Counsel where the Grand Chamber of the ECJ allowed the appeal of Mr Abdulrahim against an order of the General Court dismissing his annulment application on the basis that he had no continuing interest in the proceedings before the ECJ once he had been removed from UN Security Council asset freeze list and the related EU list.

The Grand Chamber, allowing the appeal, held that the opportunity to demonstrate that the EU listing was procedurally flawed or incorrect would have sufficient positive impact upon restoring Mr Abdularahim’s reputation such that he retained a legal interest in the proceedings.

Click here to read the full judgment.

Ed Grieves is a member of the Garden Court Immigration Team, with specialisms in matters relating to terrorism and national security.

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