Mark Robinson secures reduced sentence for ‘third-striker’ defendant at Snaresbrook Crown Court

Friday 24 May 2024

Mark Robinson of the Garden Court Crime Team acted for the defendant, instructed by Aika Stephenson of Just for Kids Law.

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Mark Robinson secured a three-year, nine-month sentence for a ‘third striker’ defendant charged with possession with intent to supply class A, in Snaresbrook Crown Court.

The defendant pleaded guilty for drug supply at an earlier hearing and was subject to the mandatory minimum sentence of seven-years, as this was his third offence for supplying class A.

Mark, who was only instructed to cover the sentence, made a successful application to adjourn the first sentence hearing, so that additional psychological and psychiatric reports, alongside extensive mitigation, which included an NRM positive conclusive grounds decision, could be put before the court.

Mark then drafted an extensive sentencing note, setting out why the defendant had exceptional circumstances as set out in section 313 of the Sentencing Code 2020 and also relied upon various supporting authorities.

The Judge, after considering all of the material before him, found that the defendant’s case was exceptional and imposed a total sentence of three-years nine-months custody.

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