South Yorkshire police crew cleared of misconduct in a public office

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Two pilots and two police officers who were accused of filming naked sunbathers and a couple having sex with a police helicopter camera have been cleared of misconduct charges. Keir Monteith and Lucie Wibberley of Garden Court Chambers represented Captain Reeves, one of the defendants.

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Former police officer Adrian Pogmore, 50, of Whiston in Rotheram, has previously admitted four charges of misconduct in a public office. He was sentenced to one year in jail on Tuesday 8 August.

Matthew Lucas, 42, Lee Walls, 47, Matthew Loosemore, 45, and Malcolm Reeves, 64, all denied misconduct in a public office. The charges of misconduct in a public office related to four alleged incidents between 2007 and 2012. The defendants stated that they had not been aware of what Pogmore was filming.

All four defendants were acquitted following a three-week trial at Sheffield Crown Court. The jury of six men and six women took less than five hours to clear the defendants of the charges.

Pilot Captain Reeves was represented by Keir Monteith leading Lucie Wibberley of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team. They were instructed by Greg Powell and Liani Holland, Trade Union Department, Powell Spencer Solicitors.

The trial has been covered extensively in the media, including on BBC News and the Guardian.

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