Irena Sabic KC

Year of Call: 2002 | Year of Silk: 2023

Irena Sabic KC is a public law barrister with significant expertise in immigration and asylum, community care, unlawful detention, environmental and international law. Irena’s multi-disciplinary practice is rooted in civil liberties and human rights law.

"An amazing all-round barrister who provides clear and compelling written work and advocacy. She is really strong, especially in cases involving public law."

Chambers UK, 2024 (Immigration)

"Irena is the counsel of choice for all complex immigration and public law matters. Her ability to work collaboratively with her instructing solicitors is second to none."

Legal 500, 2024 (Immigration)

"A strong tactician with a serene demeanour."

Legal 500, 2024 (Public Law)

"A great legal mind. Irena is a great team player with excellent written work as well as persuasive advocacy at the highest of levels."

Chambers UK, 2023 (Immigration)

"Her advocacy and knowledge are amazing. She's brilliant to work with."

Chambers UK, 2023 (Immigration)


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Irena’s expertise is sought-after in individual cases and policy challenges concerning all areas of public, administrative, environmental and immigration law. 

She regularly litigates unlawful detention cases, particularly those raising novel and complex points. She also has significant expertise in civil claims arising from unlawful detention and on behalf of victims of trafficking.

Irena is public access accredited and welcomes enquiries from members of the public or organisations seeking advice or representation in all areas of specialism.

Irena sits in the High Court as a Deputy Master of the King’s Bench Division and is appointed as Chair of the Health Service Products (Pricing, Cost Control and Information) Appeals Tribunal.

Administrative and Public Law


Irena is an experienced and highly regarded public law practitioner who has appeared at all court levels. Her multi-disciplinary practice means she is able to conduct test case litigation. She has a particular focus on cases concerning unlawful detention, abuse of power, equality and discrimination and treatment of vulnerable children and adults subject to immigration control.

Notable Cases

Court of Appeal dismissed Home Secretary appeal for Afghan Judges’ relocation claims
R (S and AZ) v Secretary of State for the Home Department and Secretary of State for Defence [2022] EWCA Civ 1092
The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal of the Secretaries of State for Defence and the Home Department of a successful judicial review claim brought by two Afghan judges, heard by Lang J, against the refusal to consider their applications for leave outside the Immigration Rules.

The Court of Appeal upheld the High Court’s decision that the SSHD’s refusal to consider the LOTR applications to be irrational, but only on one of two bases found by Lang J below.
Successful Judicial review for a BBC illustrator in Afghanistan
SH v Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office [2022] EWHC 1937 (Admin)
Administrative Court dismissed judicial review brought by an Afghani Judge in hiding.
Change of Law – Criminal Court of Appeal quashed trafficking victim’s conviction
R. v GB [2020] EWCA Crim 2

Unlawful Detention under Dublin III Art 28
R. (on the application of Hemmati) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019] UKSC 56
Supreme Court dismissed the SSHD appeal, holding that chapter 55 policy concerning detention of asylum seekers did not comply with EU law, Regulation 604/2013 and art 2(n). Accordingly, all asylum seekers detained pending deportation were entitled to damages for the tort of false imprisonment. 

Unlawful Detention under Dublin III Art 28
SS et al v SSHD [2018] EWCA Civ 2122
In a majority judgment, the Court of Appeal held that the SSHD did not have a lawful policy for detention of asylum seekers subject to Dublin III. The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal brought by SSHD in a judgment examining the lawfulness of detention of asylum seekers subject to Dublin III and held that in all cases the ingredients for the common law action of false imprisonment were made out.

Unlawful detention of a vulnerable adult (Rule 35 report)
SNA v SSHD [2018] EWHC 1504 (Admin)
Administrative Court found that Claimant was unlawfully detained (public law error bearing on decision to detain) but entitled to nominal only damages.

Unlawful detention of a vulnerable adult
R. (on the application of Aboro) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2018] EWHC 1436 (Admin)
Administrative Court concluded that SSHD acted unlawfully in continuing to detain a foreign criminal pending removal because she failed to address her policy for detention of those who had been assessed as suffering from depression and risk of self-harm. Irena was led by Sonali Naik KC.

Successful Fresh claim judicial review - mother/daughter relationship
R. (on the application of MG) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2018] EWHC 31 (Admin)
Successful judicial review of the SSHD decision to reject a fresh claim of a foreign offender who lost her appeal against a deportation order. Her daughter was a British citizen and the Court underlined the need for anxious scrutiny to be given to applications on Article 8 ECHR concerning best interests of the child.

Supreme Court decision on interaction between the Hague Convention and best interests of the Child/Article 8 ECHR
In re E (Children) (Abduction: Custody Appeal) [2011] UKSC 27
Irena acted for Women's Aid Federation (led by Stephen Knafler QC and as part of a team) to intervene in the Supreme Court appeal considering the interaction between the Hague Convention and the UN Convention on the Rights on the Child and Article 8 ECHR.

R. (on the application of O'Brien) v South Cambridgeshire DC [2016] J.P.L. 656

Successful appeal to the Court of Appeal examining positive and negative obligations of Article 8 ECHR
Muse v ECO [2012] EWCA Civ 10
Irena represented 5 Somali children seeking entry clearance to join their family in the UK. Led by Richard Drabble KC.

R. (on the application of McCarthy) v Basildon BC [2011]
Irena was led by Marc Willers KC in judicial review proceedings in the Administrative Court and the Court of Appeal brought by the residents of Dale Farm.

R (on the application of M and others) v HM Treasury [2006]All ER (D) 108
Concerning the ambit of UN Security Council Resolution on freezing of funds of persons designated as terrorists by the UN.

Judicial review of HO discretionary policy based on EU law
Kungwenwe v SSHD [2005] EWHC 1427
Judicial review of the Home Office decision under the 10-year concessionary policy based on the validity of the residence document granted in pursuance of EU law. The case highlights two areas of law, EU freedom of movement and UK immigration law which pull in different directions.

Contact Irena

Immigration & Asylum Law


Irena has significant expertise in all areas of immigration and EU law, with a broad range of clients including businesses, private individuals, NGOs and educational institutions. Irena provides comprehensive and commercially astute advice and intervention in all aspects of business immigration, including sponsor licenses and the Points Based System. Irena often finds her broader expertise in public law proves invaluable in complex and test litigation and she is highly sought after due to her knowledge of the intersection between human rights, constitutional and immigration law. 

Irena is committed to representing vulnerable children and adults in the immigration system; she is experienced in representing victims of trafficking and exploitation, unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, immigrants with mental health issues or those unlawfully detained. Irena is particularly interested in the overlap between the international, regional and domestic laws with respect to children and vulnerable adults.

Notable Cases

Past notable cases can be viewed below. Click here to see a list of recent notable cases.

Court of Appeal dismissed the Home Secretary appeal for Afghan Judges relocation claims
R (S and AZ) v Secretary of State for the Home Department and Secretary of State for Defence [2022] EWCA Civ 1092
The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal of the Secretaries of State for Defence and the Home Department of a successful judicial review claim brought by two Afghan judges, heard by Lang J, against the refusal to consider their applications for leave outside the Immigration Rules.
The Court of Appeal upheld the High Court’s decision that the SSHD’s refusal to consider the LOTR applications to be irrational, but only on one of two bases found by Lang J below.
Successful Judicial review for a BBC illustrator in Afghanistan
SH v Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office [2022] EWHC 1937 (Admin)
R. (on the application of JZ) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2022] EWHC 2156 (Admin)
Administrative Court dismissed judicial review brought by an Afghani Judge in hiding.
Change of Law – Criminal Court of Appeal quashed trafficking victim’s conviction
R. v GB [2020] EWCA Crim 2

Unlawful Detention under Dublin III Art 28
R. (on the application of Hemmati) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019] UKSC 56
Supreme Court dismissed the SSHD appeal, holding that chapter 55 policy concerning detention of asylum seekers did not comply with EU law, Regulation 604/2013 and art 2(n). Accordingly, all asylum seekers detained pending deportation were entitled to damages for the tort of false imprisonment. 

Unlawful Detention under Dublin III Art 28
SS et al v SSHD [2018] EWCA Civ 2122
In a majority judgment, the Court of Appeal held that the SSHD did not have a lawful policy for detention of asylum seekers subject to Dublin III. The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal brought by SSHD in a judgment examining the lawfulness of detention of asylum seekers subject to Dublin III and held that in all cases the ingredients for the common law action of false imprisonment were made out.

Unlawful detention of a vulnerable adult (Rule 35 report)
SNA v SSHD [2018] EWHC 1504 (Admin)
Administrative Court found that Claimant was unlawfully detained (public law error bearing on decision to detain) but entitled to nominal only damages.

Unlawful detention of a vulnerable adult
R. (on the application of Aboro) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2018] EWHC 1436 (Admin)
Administrative Court concluded that SSHD acted unlawfully in continuing to detain a foreign criminal pending removal because she failed to address her policy for detention of those who had been assessed as suffering from depression and risk of self-harm. Irena was led by Sonali Naik KC.

Successful Fresh claim judicial review - mother/daughter relationship
R. (on the application of MG) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2018] EWHC 31 (Admin)
Successful judicial review of the SSHD decision to reject a fresh claim of a foreign offender who lost her appeal against a deportation order. Her daughter was a British citizen and the Court underlined the need for anxious scrutiny to be given to applications on Article 8 ECHR concerning best interests of the child.

Supreme Court decision on interaction between the Hague Convention and best interests of the Child/article 8 ECHR
In re E (Children) (Abduction: Custody Appeal) [2011] UKSC 27
Irena acted for Women's Aid Federation (led by Stephen Knafler QC and as part of a team) to intervene in the Supreme Court appeal considering the interaction between the Hague Convention and the UN Convention on the Rights on the Child and article 8 ECHR.

Successful appeal to the Court of Appeal examining positive and negative obligations of Article 8 ECHR
Muse v ECO [2012] EWCA Civ 10
Irena represented 5 Somali children seeking entry clearance to join their family in the UK. Led by Richard Drabble KC.

Successful challenge of the decision of the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal
Essa v SSHD [2005] EWCA Civ 1577 CA (Keen LJ, Carnwath LJ)
The Court of Appeal ruled that the AIT had not considered the background material in sufficient depth and there was no documentary or evidential support for the conclusion that it reached.

Judicial review of HO discretionary policy based on EU law
Kungwenwe v SSHD [2005] EWHC 1427
Judicial review of the Home Office decision under the 10-year concessionary policy based on the validity of the residence document granted in pursuance of EU law. The case highlights two areas of law, EU freedom of movement and UK immigration law which pull in different directions.

Reported IAT decision
FK (Somalia) [2004] UKIAT 00127 'Reported'
Immigration - (Shekhal Gandhershe) where the Tribunal found this sub-clan is within the Benadiri group. The case has been included in the Home Office Operational Guidance Note Feb 2004.

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Environmental Law and Climate Justice


Irena has extensive experience in climate justice and environmental law. In recent years, Irena has focussed her practice on issues of wider environmental importance and climate change. Irena has advised on challenges to the Government’s Net Zero Strategy and is instructed in the case of Duarte Agostinho and Others v Austria and 32 other Member States, representing 6 Portuguese youth applicants who filed a multi-state climate change complaint with the European Court of Human Rights. 

Irena was instructed in the M4 Public Inquiry through the Environmental Law Foundation representing organisations including the Wildlife Trust, Gwent Wildlife Trust and Campaign for Protection of Rural Wales. Irena has experience in high-profile litigation having practiced in planning and environmental law at the start of her career at the Bar, including the eviction of Dale Farm residents in 2011.

Notable Cases

Irena is instructed by GLAN to represent six Portuguese youth applicants who filed a multi-state climate change complaint with the European Court of Human Rights. 

M4 Corridor Newport Public Inquiry
Irena appeared on behalf of several environmental NGOs at the Public Inquiry on a major infrastructure project proposing the extension of M4 around Newport, Wales.

R. (on the application of McCarthy) v Basildon BC [2011]
Irena was led by Marc Willers KC in judicial review proceedings in the Administrative Court and the Court of Appeal brought by the residents of Dale Farm.

Contact Irena

Claims Against Public Authorities


Irena's multi-disciplinary practice is rooted in civil liberties and human rights law. She is experienced in domestic, regional and international human rights forums. Her expertise is sought-after in individual cases and policy challenges concerning unlawful detention, victims of trafficking and the rights of vulnerable adults and children subject to immigration control. She has been involved in test case litigation relating to migrants' rights, concerning community care, welfare support, immigration, deportation and removal.

Notable Cases

Court of Appeal dismissed the Home Secretary appeal for Afghan Judges relocation claims
R (S and AZ) v Secretary of State for the Home Department and Secretary of State for Defence [2022] EWCA Civ 1092
The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal of the Secretaries of State for Defence and the Home Department of a successful judicial review claim brought by two Afghan judges, heard by Lang J, against the refusal to consider their applications for leave outside the Immigration Rules.

The Court of Appeal upheld the High Court’s decision that the SSHD’s refusal to consider the LOTR applications to be irrational, but only on one of two bases found by Lang J below.
Successful Judicial review for a BBC illustrator in Afghanistan
SH v Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office [2022] EWHC 1937 (Admin)
Administrative Court dismissed judicial review brought by an Afghani Judge in hiding.
Change of Law – Criminal Court of Appeal quashed trafficking victim’s conviction

R. v GB [2020] EWCA Crim 2

Unlawful Detention under Dublin III Art 28
R. (on the application of Hemmati) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019] UKSC 56
Supreme Court dismissed the SSHD appeal, holding that chapter 55 policy concerning detention of asylum seekers did not comply with EU law, Regulation 604/2013 and art 2(n). Accordingly, all asylum seekers detained pending deportation were entitled to damages for the tort of false imprisonment. 

SS et al v SSHD [2018] EWCA Civ 2122
In a majority judgment, the Court of Appeal held that the SSHD did not have a lawful policy for detention of asylum seekers subject to Dublin III. The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal brought by SSHD in a judgment examining the lawfulness of detention of asylum seekers subject to Dublin III and held that in all cases the ingredients for the common law action of false imprisonment were made out.

Unlawful detention of a vulnerable adult (Rule 35 report)
Administrative Court found that Claimant was unlawfully detained (public law error bearing on decision to detain) but entitled to nominal only damages.

Unlawful detention of a vulnerable adult
Administrative Court concluded that SSHD acted unlawfully in continuing to detain a foreign criminal pending removal because she failed to address her policy for detention of those who had been assessed as suffering from depression and risk of self-harm. Irena was led by Sonali Naik KC.

Successful Fresh claim judicial review - mother/daughter relationship
Successful judicial review of the SSHD decision to reject a fresh claim of a foreign offender who lost her appeal against a deportation order. Her daughter was a British citizen and the Court underlined the need for anxious scrutiny to be given to applications on Article 8 ECHR concerning best interests of the child.

Supreme Court decision on interaction between the Hague Convention and best interests of the Child/article 8 ECHR
In re E (Children) (Abduction: Custody Appeal) [2011] UKSC 27
Irena acted for Women's Aid Federation (led by Stephen Knafler QC and as part of a team) to intervene in the Supreme Court appeal considering the interaction between the Hague Convention and the UN Convention on the Rights on the Child and article 8 ECHR.

R. (on the application of O'Brien) v South Cambridgeshire DC [2016] J.P.L. 656

Successful appeal to the Court of Appeal examining positive and negative obligations of Article 8 ECHR
Muse v ECO [2012] EWCA Civ 10
Irena represented 5 Somali children seeking entry clearance to join their family in the UK. Led by Richard Drabble KC.

R. (on the application of McCarthy) v Basildon BC [2011]
Irena was led by Marc Willers KC in judicial review proceedings in the Administrative Court and the Court of Appeal brought by the residents of Dale Farm.

R (on the application of M and others) v HM Treasury [2006]All ER (D) 108
Concerning the ambit of UN Security Council Resolution on freezing of funds of persons designated as terrorists by the UN.

Judicial review of HO discretionary policy based on EU law
Kungwenwe v SSHD [2005] EWHC 1427
Judicial review of the Home Office decision under the 10-year concessionary policy based on the validity of the residence document granted in pursuance of EU law. The case highlights two areas of law, EU freedom of movement and UK immigration law which pull in different directions.

Contact Irena

Community Care


Irena regularly advises and represents individuals in the full range of claims for community care assistance, most commonly on behalf of highly vulnerable adults and children. Irena is experienced in urgent applications for interim relief and is able to advise and represent at short notice.

Irena also advises and represents in age dispute cases and she is frequently instructed in cases that raise trafficking indicators or involve unlawful removal or detention of age disputed children.

Notable Cases

Test case establishing the scope of power to provide accommodation an assistance under s23C(4) of the Children Act 1989
R (on the application of Sabiri) v LB Croydon [2012] EWHC 1236 (Admin)
Successful judicial review of the council's decision to refuse to provide accommodation and assistance to a former relevant child near to the Further Education College where he proposed to study.

Supreme Court decision on interaction between the Hague Convention and best interests of the Child/article 8 ECHR
In re E (Children) (Abduction: Custody Appeal) [2011] UKSC 27
Irena acted for Women's Aid Federation (led by Stephen Knafler QC and as part of a team) to intervene in the Supreme Court appeal considering the interaction between the Hague Convention and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and article 8 ECHR.

Contact Irena

Notable Cases & News

Garden Court barristers recognised on Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales

We are delighted to announce that Garden Court barristers have been listed on the Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales.

17 June 2024

Irena Sabic KC and Thalia Maragh conduct legal empowerment training for Ogiek community in Kenya

Our Irena Sabic KC and Thalia Maragh volunteered with International Lawyers Project (ILP) to deliver training for the Ogiek community in Kenya.

21 May 2024

Upper Tribunal allows judicial review of Afghan judges seeking leave to enter UK

Sonali Naik KC and Emma Fitzsimons were instructed by Rachael Lenney of Wilsons LLP on behalf of S. Irena Sabic KC and David Sellwood were instructed by Zoe Cooley of Wilsons LLP on behalf of AZ.

3 April 2024

European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber to Deliver Rulings in Landmark Climate Justice Cases

Marc Willers KC and Richard Harvey represent the Swiss Senior Women in Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland. Richard Reynolds and Paul Clark represent the youth-applicants in Duarte Agostinho and Others v. Portugal and 32 Others.

28 March 2024

Immigration Blog: Irena Sabic KC and Alex Grigg Reflect on the Rwanda Bill

Irena Sabic KC and Alex Grigg of our Public Law and Immigration teams at Garden Court provide reflections on the Rwanda Bill (personal views only) and with thanks to Liam Mckenna for his contribution.

22 December 2023

Climate Case to be heard at European Court of Human Rights against 32 European States brought by 6 Portuguese youth

Richard Reynolds and Paul Clark are representing the youth-applicants, led by Alison Macdonald KC of Essex Court Chambers. Counsel are instructed by Global Legal Action Network.

26 September 2023

High Court rules Local Authorities obliged to consider support requests by appeal rights exhausted care leavers

Irena Sabic KC and Alex Grigg of Garden Court Chambers represented the Claimant, anonymised as DK, instructed by Radhi Shah of Youth Legal.

27 July 2023

Upper Tribunal quashes unlawful Secretary of State decision to refuse Afghan judge LOTR as it failed to consider contribution to rule of law

Sonali Naik KC, Irena Sabic KC and Emma Fitzsimons, of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team, were instructed by Rachael Lenney of Wilsons LLP.

22 June 2023

Irena Sabic KC appointed Deputy King’s Bench Master

Garden Court Chambers is delighted to announce that our colleague Irena Sabic KC has been appointed by the Lord Chief Justice as a Deputy King’s Bench Master, based at the Royal Courts of Justice.

11 May 2023

Duran Seddon, Edward Grieves & Irena Sabic of Garden Court Chambers & Associate Tenant Anna Morris appointed King’s Counsel today

Garden Court Chambers is delighted to announce that Duran Seddon, Edward Grieves and Irena Sabic of Garden Court Chambers, and Associate Tenant Anna Morris, have been formally appointed King’s Counsel today.

27 March 2023

Duran Seddon, Edward Grieves, Irena Sabic and Anna Morris to be appointed King’s Counsel

Garden Court Chambers is delighted to announce that Duran Seddon, Edward Grieves, Irena Sabic and Anna Morris will be appointed King’s Counsel in 2023.

23 December 2022

Court of Appeal dismisses Home Secretary’s appeal against High Court decision quashing UK Government refusal to consider relocation claims of two Afghan judges

Sonali Naik QC, Irena Sabic and Emma Fitzsimons acted for S, instructed by Wilson LLP Irena Sabic, David Sellwood and Maha Sardar acted for AZ, instructed by Wilson LLP.

5 August 2022

Garden Court Chambers jointly wins Highly Commended at The Lawyer Awards 2022 for Pro Bono Initiative of the Year supporting Afghan judiciary

We are proud to have received Highly Commended for The Lawyer Principal members of our Garden Court team involved in the initiative were Sonali Naik QC, Irena Sabic, Maha Sardar, Ali Bandegani, Emma Fitzsimons, Maria Moodie and David Sellwood.

13 July 2022

High Court grants the judicial review claims of two Afghan Judges against the Government’s refusal of their claims to relocate to the UK

High Court grants the judicial review claims of two Afghan Judges against the Government’s refusal of their claims to relocate to the UK.

9 June 2022

Garden Court Chambers shortlisted at The Lawyer Awards 2022 for Pro Bono initiative to support Afghan judiciary

3 May 2022

Sonali Naik QC and Irena Sabic act in 'deport first, appeal later' case where appellant killed by Taliban

Sonali Naik QC and Irena Sabic, of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team, represent the appellant, instructed by Nasir Ata of Duncan Lewis Solicitors.

31 January 2022

Coordinated effort by 33 countries to overturn ‘urgent’ status of youth climate change case rejected by Strasbourg Court

Our Marc Willers QC, Irena Sabic, Richard Reynolds, Paul Clark and Ella Gunn of Garden Court Chambers represent the youth-applicants

26 February 2021

European Court of Human Rights is fast-tracking a climate case against 33 European States brought by 6 Portuguese youth

Global Legal Action Network (GLAN) instructing Marc Willers QC, Irena Sabic, Richard Reynolds, Paul Clark and Ella Gunn of Garden Court Chambers.

30 November 2020

Irena Sabic appointed as Chair of the Health Service Products (Pricing, Cost Control and Information) Appeals Tribunal

In addition to her full time practice, we are delighted to announce that Irena Sabic of Garden Court Chambers has been appointed as Chair of the Health Service Products (Pricing, Cost Control and Information) Appeals Tribunal.

30 September 2020

Portuguese young people file ground-breaking climate case with European Court of Human Rights against 33 countries

Global Legal Action Network instructing Marc Willers QC, Irena Sabic, Richard Reynolds, Paul Clark and Ella Gunn of Garden Court Chambers.

3 September 2020

Supreme Court holds that Dublin III Detention between January 2014 and March 2017 was unlawful

Irena Sabic of Garden Court was instructed by Bahar Ata of Duncan Lewis; Greg Ó Ceallaigh of Garden Court was instructed by Krisha Prathepan of Duncan Lewis and Raza Halim of Garden Court was instructed by Kaweh Beheshtizadeh of Fadiga and Co.

27 November 2019

Garden Court Chambers wins Outstanding Contribution to Diversity & Inclusion Award at Chambers Bar Awards 2019

We pay special tribute to Mia Hakl-Law, Director of Operations and HR at Garden Court for spearheading and championing our work on diversity and inclusion together with many others within our chambers.

1 November 2019

Garden Court Housing Team responds to Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government consultation on 'A new deal for renters'

The Garden Court Housing Team welcomes the government’s proposal to abolish no fault evictions (based on s.21 Housing Act 1988).

15 October 2019

Wales scraps £1.6 billion plan to build Gwent Levels M4 Relief road in south Wales

Grace Brown and Irena Sabic, both of Garden Court, represented Gwent Wildlife Trust, Woodland Trust and the Campaign for Protection of Rural Wales at the public inquiry.

5 June 2019

Court of Appeal - detention of asylum seekers unlawful under Article 28 Dublin III

In a majority decision, the Court of Appeal (Etherton and Peter Jackson LLJ; Sales LJ dissenting) delivered a significant judgment affecting the lawfulness of detention of asylum seekers subject to the Dublin III Regulation.

8 October 2018

Mother succeeds in judicial review of fresh claim concerning public interest in deportation and the rights of child

The claimant was represented by Irena Sabic of Garden Court Chambers, instructed by Chris McKendry of Wilsons Solicitors.

25 January 2018

The Garden Court Chambers Housing Team respond to the consultation of Terms of Reference of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry has called for responses to the consultation of Terms of Reference.

3 August 2017

Unlawful detention: High Court hands down highly significant judgment on direct effect of Dublin III

Irena Sabic of Garden Court Chambers represented the claimant.

9 June 2017

Garden Court and Stephanie Harrison QC shortlisted for Human Rights and Public Law awards

Garden Court has been shortlisted at the Chambers Bar Awards, whilst Stephanie and our Public Law Team are shortlisted at the Legal 500 Awards.

21 October 2016

All related news


Irena is committed to promotion and protection of human rights through artistic and educational forums. She appeared as a human rights expert in Yael Bartana’s production of ‘What If Women Ruled the World’ at the Manchester Arts Festival (2017) and the Volkbuhne theatre in Berlin (2018). 

In January 2019, she was appointed a barrister board member of the BSB. 

 Irena has acted as a consultant for the Centre for Constitutional Rights, a U.S.-based legal human rights organisation which has led the legal and political battle against Guantanamo Bay detention facility.

Having graduated with a first-class degree in law from Cambridge University, Irena spent a year working for a non-governmental organisation campaigning for protection and promotion of women’s rights at the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva (WILPF). 

Irena combines a busy practice with regular delivery of training and lectures to public bodies and non-governmental organisations. 


Contributing author to Housing and Housing Benefit Law: A Practical Guide. (Housing and Human Rights chapter).

Contributing author to Judicial Review and Human Rights: Case Studies in Context.


  • LLB (Hons)

Professional Membership

  • Constitutional and Administrative Law Bar Association (ALBA)
  • ILPA
  • Lawyers for Liberty
  • PEBA

We are top ranked by independent legal directories and consistently win awards.

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