Peter Jorro

Year of Call: 1986

"Peter is an excellent barrister both for advice and on his feet. He is an expert in immigration law and his advice is both legal and practical. His specialist knowledge of immigration law including the rules, case law and guidance comes across in his advocacy."

Legal 500, 2025 (Immigration, Tier 1)

"Peter has exceptional expertise, professionalism and dedication to his work. He is our first go-to counsel and he is always happy to help."

Chambers UK, 2025 (Immigration)

"He is very helpful and responsive. He provides practical solutions as well as legal advice."

Legal 500, 2024 (Immigration, Tier 1)

"Extremely bright across all areas. He produces excellent results every time."

Chambers UK, 2024 (Immigration)

"I found him to be effective, knowledgeable and thorough counsel."

Chambers UK, 2023 (Immigration)

"Peter is an excellent barrister both for advisory work and in court. He is the only immigration barrister I use."

Legal 500, 2022 (Immigration, Tier 1)

"He is very solid and has fantastic knowledge."

Chambers UK, 2022 (Immigration)

"Peter is an excellent advocate, extremely persuasive in court."

Legal 500, 2021 (Immigration)


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For solicitors & organisations | For individuals

Peter Jorro is an immigration barrister with particular expertise in refugee and asylum law, and in private immigration cases. He undertakes advocacy in the Tribunal, the Special Immigration Appeals Commission, the Administrative Court and the Court of Appeal and has been junior counsel in the Supreme Court.

He is ranked Band 2 for Immigration in Chambers UK and in Tier 1 in the Legal 500 (including business immigration) – leading juniors.

Peter is registered with the Bar Council for public access work and regularly assists private clients in various immigration and nationality law scenarios.

Immigration Law


Peter practises in all areas of immigration law. He joined Garden Court Chambers in 2000 after having been at the Refugee Legal Centre and having worked for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. He undertakes advocacy in the Tribunal, the Special Immigration Appeals Commission, the Administrative Court and the Court of Appeal and has been junior counsel in the Supreme Court.

In particular he has represented in several confidential asylum appeals made by individuals with a high profile in the countries from which they have claimed asylum.

He also has a wealth of experience and success in PBS (Points Based System), business, EEA, family and general immigration cases both on appeal and on judicial review in the High Court and now in the Upper Tribunal. He has advised and made written submissions to the courts on immigration issues in family proceedings. He has advised and assisted clients on applications for British nationality, by way of registration and naturalisation, and has successfully challenged refusals of British nationality by way of judicial review.

He has advised and assisted on behalf of companies applying for Tiers 2 and 5 ‘Sponsor licences’ (in order to employ migrant workers) and has drafted representations and grounds for judicial review in challenging Home Office decisions to refuse or to suspend and revoke sponsor licences.

He is ranked Band 2 for Immigration in Chambers UK and in Tier 1 in the Legal 500 (including business immigration) – leading juniors.

Public access

Peter is registered with the Bar Council for public access work and regularly assists private clients in various immigration and nationality law scenarios, including, in particular, with applying under Tier 1 of the PBS, making human rights applications, advising and assisting in applications for British citizenship and in challenging, by way of appeal or administrative and judicial review, refusals of leave and in assisting companies with PBS sponsorship issues.

Notable Cases

HJ (Iran) and HT (Cameroon) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] UKSC 31, [2011] 1 AC 596
Seminal asylum judgment relating to gay claimants but with wider applicability in terms of the true ambit of surrogate protection under the Refugee Convention.

T6 v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2011] UKSIAC 95/2010
Appeal before the Special Immigration Appeals Commission by a very high profile Algerian businessman / ‘oligarch’ who has fallen out with the Algerian President and whose case was certified by the Secretary of State on ‘UK’s relations with other country’ and ‘public interest’ grounds.

Gekhang (Interaction of Directives and Rules) [2016] UKUT 374, [2016] Imm AR 1141
A legally important case for the Tribunal endorsing the appellant’s submissions as to the correct inter-relationship between, and the primacy of, the EU Qualification and Procedures Directives to the approach to asylum determination in the Immigration Rules. The determination is also very helpful to all Tibetan asylum seekers previously resident in India.

R (Tshiteya) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] EWHC 238 (Admin)
Regarding fresh claims and Article 8, ECHR.

FK (Kenya) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2008] EWCA Civ 119
Successful appeal against negative ‘country guidance’ decision relating to risk of genital mutilation for Kenyan women.

RM (Somalia) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2007] EWCA Civ 751
Successful appeal in case emphasising the importance of not conflating claims for refugee status and humanitarian protection.

AJ (Liberia) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2006] EWCA Civ 1736
Successful appeal relating to risk of suicide as an argued breach of Article 3.

Secretary of State for the Home Department v Akaeke [2005] EWCA Civ 947, [2005] Imm AR 701, [2005] INLR 575
On administrative delay by the Home Office rendering a decision to remove a person from the UK a disproportionate interference in her right to respect for her family life in the UK.

He v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2002] EWCA Civ 1150, [2002] Imm AR 590
Chinese religious sect member fearing persecution.

Also MN and others (Ahmadis – country conditions – risk) Pakistan CG [2012] UKUT 00389 (IAC); RQ (Afghan National Army – Hizb-i-Islami – risk) Afghanistan CG [2008] UKAIT 00013; HY (Yibir – YS and HA applied) Somalia [2006] UKAIT 00002; MN (Findings on Sexuality) Kenya [2005] UKIAT 00021; AK and others (Tribunal Appeal – out of time) Bulgaria (starred) [2004] UKIAT 00201, [2004] Imm AR 486; OA (IFA – Unduly Harsh – Chechens – Relocation) Russia CG [2002] UKIAT 03796; Horvath [1999] INLR 7 (IAT); Yousfi [1998] INLR 136; Mario [1998] INLR 306; Mustafaraj [1994] Imm AR 78; Laftaly [1993] Imm AR 284; on-going (into 2018) cases relating to the Afghan citizens who ‘hijacked’ an aircraft to the UK in 2000.

Contact Peter

Peter Jorro

Notable Cases & News

Garden Court Chambers celebrates 50th Anniversary

This year marks 50 years of Garden Court Chambers winning ground-breaking cases of constitutional importance.

Friday 31 May 2024

Garden Court Immigration Team dedicate 10th Edition of Macdonald’s Immigration Law & Practice to the life and legacy of Ian Macdonald QC

The General Editors, Stephanie Harrison QC, Ronan Toal & Sadat Sayeed, are leaders in the field & practice in the number one ranked Garden Court Immigration Team. David Neale is a legal researcher & former barrister

Friday 25 Jun 2021

Three FREE 90-minute seminars to celebrate launch of the Immigration Appeals and Remedies Handbook (2nd edition)

Mark Symes and Peter Jorro, of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team, are doing three FREE 90-minute seminars to celebrate the launch of their Second Edition Immigration Appeals and Remedies Handbook.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Upper Tribunal rules Home Office interpreted guidance on settlement illegitimately

Peter Jorro of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team represented the appellant, instructed by Jessica Wong of Brion & Co.

Monday 22 Mar 2021

Peter Jorro joined leading US immigration attorney in a presentation for the Raindance Film Festival, London

Peter presented on 26 February on the topic of US/UK Work Permits for the Film & Television Industry.

Wednesday 28 Feb 2018

Peter Jorro gives oral evidence to House of Lords Constitution Committee

He did so alongside Alison Harvey of the Immigration Law Practitioners' Association.

Wednesday 16 Nov 2016

Garden Court Immigration Team dedicate 10th Edition of Macdonald’s Immigration Law & Practice to the life and legacy of Ian Macdonald QC

The General Editors, Stephanie Harrison QC, Ronan Toal & Sadat Sayeed, are leaders in the field & practice in the number one ranked Garden Court Immigration Team. David Neale is a legal researcher & former barrister

Friday 25 Jun 2021

Three FREE 90-minute seminars to celebrate launch of the Immigration Appeals and Remedies Handbook (2nd edition)

Mark Symes and Peter Jorro, of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team, are doing three FREE 90-minute seminars to celebrate the launch of their Second Edition Immigration Appeals and Remedies Handbook.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Upper Tribunal rules Home Office interpreted guidance on settlement illegitimately

Peter Jorro of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team represented the appellant, instructed by Jessica Wong of Brion & Co.

Monday 22 Mar 2021

Peter Jorro joined leading US immigration attorney in a presentation for the Raindance Film Festival, London

Peter presented on 26 February on the topic of US/UK Work Permits for the Film & Television Industry.

Wednesday 28 Feb 2018

Peter Jorro gives oral evidence to House of Lords Constitution Committee

He did so alongside Alison Harvey of the Immigration Law Practitioners' Association.

Wednesday 16 Nov 2016

Chambers UK Bar Guide ranks Garden Court in Band 1

Garden Court Chambers recognised as a leading set for immigration, social housing, civil liberties, police law, Court of Protection, crime and inquests and public inquiries.

Friday 30 Oct 2015


Peter is the co-author (with Mark Symes, also of Garden Court) of Asylum Law and Practice, the leading practitioner’s textbook concentrating on asylum law, with the Third Edition due out in October 2022 (Bloomsbury Professional, 2022)

Peter is the co-author (with Mark Symes, also of Garden Court) of the Immigration Appeals and Remedies Handbook, which has been described as a “compulsory addition to the library of every immigration judge and practitioner”, now in its Second Edition (Bloomsbury Professional, 2021).

He is a contributor to Macdonald’s Immigration Law & Practice, the leading practitioner’s textbook on immigration law, now in its Tenth Edition (LexisNexis, 2021)

He is a Consultant Editor for Halsbury’s Laws of England, Fifth Edition, Volume 57 on Immigration and Asylum (LexisNexis 2012) and was a contributor to the 2002 reissue of the Fourth Edition, Vol. 4(2) in relation to British Nationality, Immigration and Asylum

Peter has also been responsible for the asylum chapter of (Jackson’s) Immigration Law and Practice (most recently for its Fourth Edition – Tottel, 2008)

Training and seminars

Peter frequently conducts training courses on asylum and immigration law related issues for various organisations, especially the Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association (ILPA).


Peter has often put the case on behalf of asylum seekers and refugees on television and radio. An interview with Peter on BBC World News is available on the BBC website.


  • LLB (Hons) (LSE)

Professional Memberships

  • Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association (ILPA)

We are top ranked by independent legal directories and consistently win awards.

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