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Inquests and Inquiries, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Tuesday 7 July 2020

Grenfell Tower Inquiry – Written submission on behalf of bereaved, residents and survivors

Written submission on behalf of bereaved, residents and survivors represented by Leslie Thomas QC, Allison Munroe QC & Thalia Maragh of Garden Court Chambers and Birnberg Peirce, Saunders Law, Duncan Lewis, Deighton Pierce Glynn, Russell Cooke an

Leslie Thomas KCAllison Munroe KCThalia Maragh

Family Law | Wednesday 22 April 2020

A timely and important decision on remote hearings in the family courts – Re P: (A Child Remote Hearings) (2020) EWFC 32

Allison Munroe QC leading William Tautz were instructed by All Family Matters, on behalf of the 1st Respondent. The case considered the issues around the suitability of remote hearings for contested final hearings.

William TautzAllison Munroe KC

Administrative and Public Law, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Family Law | Monday 16 March 2020

Stephen Simblet and Allison Munroe of Garden Court Chambers appointed Queen’s Counsel today

Garden Court Chambers is delighted to announce that Stephen Simblet and Allison Munroe of Garden Court Chambers have been formally appointed Queen’s Counsel today.

Stephen Simblet KCAllison Munroe KC

Family Law | Tuesday 18 February 2020

Garden Court Family Team are delighted with the news that Allison Munroe is to take silk

Authors: Rebekah Wilson and Monifa Walters-Thompson, Barristers, Garden Court Chambers Family Team

Allison Munroe KC

Family Law | Friday 27 September 2019

The restraint of children and the importance of the continuity of professionals for children placed in care

Allison Munroe (for the applicant) and Rebekah Wilson (for the second respondent child through his guardian) of the Garden Court Family Law Team appeared in an important reported case before Mr Justice MacDonald in the High Court.

Allison Munroe KC

Criminal Defence | Wednesday 3 April 2019

Hillsborough trial jury find club safety officer guilty of safety breach and fail to reach verdict on match commander, David Duckenfield

Following eight days of deliberation the jury in the Hillsborough trial have delivered a guilty verdict against Graham Mackrell, the Sheffield Wednesday FC secretary and safety officer at the time of the disaster.

Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Inquests and Inquiries | Friday 29 June 2018

Hillsborough match commander David Duckenfield to go on trial for manslaughter by gross negligence

The trial of Mr Duckenfield is currently listed to start on 10 September.

Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Claims Against the Police and Public Authorities, Inquests and Inquiries | Wednesday 1 November 2017

Hillsborough Review backs ‘Hillsborough Law’

Seventeen barristers from Garden Court Chambers were involved in the Hillsborough inquests, representing 80 families of those who died.

Family Law | Friday 13 October 2017

Garden Court Family Law Team and Mai-Ling Savage nominated for Bar Pro Bono Awards 2017

We are delighted to announce that the Family Team and Mai-Ling Savage, as an individual, have been nominated for the Bar Pro Bono Awards 2017.

William TautzAllison Munroe KCSarah Forster

Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Inquests and Inquiries | Thursday 29 June 2017

Hillsborough disaster: criminal charges against six people

Seventeen barristers from Garden Court Chambers represented 80 families at the Hillsborough inquest.

Administrative and Public Law, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Claims Against the Police and Public Authorities | Friday 21 October 2016

Garden Court and Stephanie Harrison QC shortlisted for Human Rights and Public Law awards

Garden Court has been shortlisted at the Chambers Bar Awards, whilst Stephanie and our Public Law Team are shortlisted at the Legal 500 Awards.

Garden Court Chambers | Friday 8 July 2016

Garden Court Chambers recognised for “outstanding achievement” following Hillsborough inquests

Garden Court Chambers Hillsborough inquest team wins Outstanding Achievement Award at Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awards 2016.

Inquests and Inquiries | Tuesday 26 April 2016

Hillsborough inquest concludes 96 fans were unlawfully killed

Garden Court Chambers represented 77 families at the inquests.

Garden Court Chambers | Thursday 8 October 2015

Garden Court wins Legal 500 crime set of the year award

The winners in these awards are chosen by the Legal 500 as a result of thousands of interviews with firms, sets and counsel.

Romani Gypsy and Traveller Rights | Friday 18 October 2013

18 Garden Court barristers instructed on Hillsborough Inquest

Garden Court Chambers are pleased to announce that 18 Garden Court barristers have been instructed on the Hillsborough inquest.

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