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Garden Court Chambers | Monday 20 July 2015

High Court declares that Home Office asylum system fails to protect victims of trafficking, is discriminatory and breaches their human rights

Stephanie Harrison QC and Shu Shin Luh of Garden Court Chambers brought this test litigation.

Kathryn CroninStephanie Harrison KCMaria Moodie

Garden Court Chambers | Tuesday 14 July 2015

Court of Appeal to consider Home Office obligations when detaining age disputed children under immigration powers

The Court of Appeal will consider the obligations owed by the Home Office when detaining children who are age disputed. Garden Court Chambers is representing the families.

Greg Ó Ceallaigh KCStephanie Harrison KC

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Friday 3 July 2015

Home Office defeated again at the High Court over fast-track asylum process

The Immigration Minister has announced the suspension of the detained fast track asylum process. The announcement was in response to test cases brought by Garden Court Chambers.

Raza HalimStephanie Harrison KC

Garden Court Chambers | Thursday 7 May 2015

Court of Appeal clarifies scope of SIAC’s bail powers

Stephanie Harrison QC and Anthony Vaughan represented the Appellant.

Stephanie Harrison KC

Garden Court Chambers | Thursday 23 April 2015

Home Office ordered to return mother and son unlawfully deported to Nigeria

Stephanie Harrison QC and Kathryn Cronin of Garden Court Chambers represented the mother and the child.

Kathryn CroninStephanie Harrison KC

Garden Court Chambers | Thursday 19 March 2015

Full Divisional Court rejects Home Secretary’s attempts to limit Special Immigration Appeals Commission’s powers of scrutiny

A review jurisdiction on ‘judicial review’ principles concerning refusals of applications to naturalise or decisions to exclude from the UK on grounds which the Secretary of State does not wish to make public.

Edward Grieves KCAmanda Weston KCStephanie Harrison KC

Garden Court Chambers | Wednesday 4 March 2015

Garden Court barristers appointed as panel counsel to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

They will support the Commission’s advisory, regulatory and enforcement work across the equality and human rights spheres as it implements its litigation policy. The panel members from Garden Court Chambers are: Stephanie Harrison QC has expertise in claims arising from unlawful detention, official misconduct, discrimination and minority rights. She is also a leading practitioner in judicial […]

Marc Willers KCBethan HarrisStephanie Harrison KC

Garden Court Chambers | Thursday 29 January 2015

Court of Appeal rejects SIAC approach to ‘deportation with assurances’

The appellants were represented by Stephanie Harrison QC, Amanda Weston and Anthony Vaughan.

Stephanie Harrison KC

Garden Court Chambers | Thursday 10 July 2014

Unlawful detention breaches Article 3 and Article 5 rights of woman with mental illness

High Court judgment finds that claimant with mental illness was unlawfully detained for 11 months.

Stephanie Harrison KC

Administrative and Public Law | Thursday 30 January 2014

Court of Appeal rules immigration detention of mentally ill woman unlawful

The Court of Appeal in a test case on Tuesday overturned a decision of the Administrative Court in relation to Home Office policy of detaining those subject to immigration control with a serious mental illness.

Stephanie Harrison KC

Garden Court Chambers | Tuesday 10 December 2013

Boat race protester saved from deportation

An Australian man living in the UK who had been facing deportation following his disruption of the 2012 Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race has been told he may stay in the UK. He was represented at yesterday's tribunal hearing by Stephanie Harrison QC and Edward

Edward Grieves KCStephanie Harrison KC

Garden Court Chambers | Wednesday 4 December 2013

Stephanie Harrison QC wins Liberty Human Rights Lawyer of the Year Award

Garden Court Chambers is delighted to learn that Stephanie Harrison QC has won Liberty's prestigious Human Rights Lawyer of the Year Award. The award was made last week at a ceremony to honour human rights heroes.

Stephanie Harrison KC

Garden Court Chambers | Friday 22 November 2013

Stephanie Harrison QC shortlisted for Liberty Human Rights Lawyer of the Year Award

Liberty, the civil liberties and human rights organisation, has today confirmed that Stephanie Harrison QC has been shortlisted for their Human Rights Lawyer of the Year Award. In a statement, Liberty said that Stephanie's nomination was in recognition of

Stephanie Harrison KC

Garden Court Chambers | Thursday 21 November 2013

Home Secretary’s powers to terminate judicial review proceedings declared unlawful by Court of Appeal

In a short and clear judgment the Court of Appeal has declared unlawful powers which the Home Secretary gave herself to terminate judicial review proceedings without further order of the court.

Amanda Weston KCStephanie Harrison KC

Garden Court Chambers | Thursday 31 October 2013

Garden Court Chambers ranked Band 1 in Chambers UK 2014

We are once again delighted to have been ranked as a leading set by Chambers and Partners in the Chambers UK 2014 directory.

Garden Court Chambers | Wednesday 25 September 2013

Garden Court Chambers recommended as Top Tier Set in Legal 500 2013

Garden Court Chambers is once again delighted to have been recommended as a Top Tier Set in this year's Legal 500. We are recommended in six areas of law as a set, with 11 silks and 27 junior barristers recognised individually.

Garden Court Chambers | Friday 1 March 2013

Stephanie Harrison appointed Queen’s Counsel

Garden Court Chambers is delighted to announce that minority rights and civil liberties champion Stephanie Harrison is to be appointed as Queen's Counsel.

Stephanie Harrison KC

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